Hands holding a paper cut out of a head

BACB Eligibility Requirements are changing:

BACB Eligibility Requirements are changing Jan. 1, 2027. We will be phasing in the new requirements for new ABA Online students starting Spring 2025. All VCS courses will become 3 credits. If you cannot apply to test before Jan. 1, 2027, bridging courses will be available. You can review BACB changes here: March 2022 Newsletter.

Plans Of Study And General Advising

Your plan of study will guide your course registration each semester. Students follow the plan of study for the program they are admitted to right from their first semester, whether they start in Spring, Summer or Fall.

Due to the compounding nature of the coursework, students must follow the plan exactly to ensure mastery before progressing. Not following the plan may delay graduation, require repeating courses or result in course failure.

You'll follow the standard program plan for your certificate or degree unless you have completed previous coursework with Florida Tech. The student services team will direct you to the appropriate plan based on your program and prior coursework at Florida Tech. ABA Online students do not have individually assigned advisors. 

Use the downloadable version of your plan of study and your unofficial transcript or CAPP (Degree Evaluation) report in PAWS to determine if you are on track to graduate and when you should petition to graduate.  (Previous 4th edition Florida Tech students should use the CAPP report version.)

Plans for 2027 Certification Requirements

New students starting in Spring 2025 or later.

M.A. in Behavior Analysis Professional Practice

Standard M.A. Program Plan:

Other Program Plan(s) for Special Situations:

Online Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate

Standard Graduate Certificate Program Plan:

Other Program Plan(s) for Special Situations:

Course Timeline Semester: Semesters are 15 weeks in duration.

15 weeks: (1 credit courses)
BEH 5021, BEH 5040, BEH 5070,BEH 5071, BEH 5072, BEH 5073, BEH 5074, BEH 5076, BEH 5060, BEH 5061, BEH 5062, BEH 5063, BEH 5064, BEH 5065

15 weeks: (3 credit courses)
BEH 5041, BEH 5042, BEH 5043, BEH 5048, BEH 5049, BEH 5052, BEH 5400

1 week: (0 credit course) – For MA students only
BEH 0002 (0003, 0004): Final Program Exam - FPE Information

Please note: The following courses do not have online meetings. All students will register for one section and the course(s) will be asynchronous.
BEH 5040, BEH 5060, BEH 5061, BEH 5062, BEH 5063, BEH 5063, BEH 5064, BEH 5065

More Information

  • Check the University Catalog for a short description of each course. The course titles and course IDs are listed on your plan of study.
  • Check our restricted electives list for descriptions of elective courses.

Plans for 2022 (5th Edition) Requirements

The 2022 (5th Edition) requirements for students who started Fall 2024 or earlier.

M.A. in Behavior Analysis Practice

Standard M.A. Program Plan:

Other M.A. Program Plan(s) for Special Situations:

Note: *If you completed BEHP5011 more than five years ago, please use the standard plan for your program.

Course Grid (Provides a visual representation of courses by semester week, as listed below.)

Course Timeline Semester: Semesters are 15 weeks in duration.

15 weeks: (1 credit courses)
BEH 5076, BEH 5060, BEH 5061, BEH 5062, BEH 5063, BEH 5064, BEH 5065

Weeks 1-11: (3 credit courses)
BEH 5041, BEH 5042, BEH 5043, BEH 5048, BEH 5049

Weeks 1-10: (1 credit course)
BEH 5040

Weeks 1-8: (1 credit course)
BEH 5021

Weeks 1-5: (1 credit courses)
BEH 5073, BEH 5074

Week 11: (0 credit course)

Weeks 11-15: (1 credit courses)
BEH 5044, BEH 5045, BEH 5046, BEH 5047, BEH 5050, BEH 5051, BEH 5020, BEH 5071, BEH 5072

Please note: The following courses do not have online meetings. All students will register for one section and the course(s) will be asynchronous.
BEH 5020, BEH 5040, BEH 5046, BEH 5060, BEH 5061, BEH 5062, BEH 5063, BEH 5063, BEH 5064, BEH 5065

More Information

  • Check the University Catalog for a short description of each course. The course titles and course IDs are listed on your plan of study.
  • Check our restricted electives list for descriptions of elective courses.

General Course Information

How the courses are scheduled. 

In general, the 3-credit courses run for 11 weeks, beginning on the semester open date, and the 1-credit courses run for the last five weeks of the semester. The orientation week for the 1-credit courses overlaps the exam week for the 3-credit courses. The exceptions to this are the restricted electives and applied experience courses for the M.A. – BAP. The applied experience courses run for the full 15 weeks of the semester, and the schedule for the restricted elective courses varies depending on the course. Please see the Restricted Elective Courses section of the handbook for details on when the electives courses run within the semester.  

How the courses are formatted.

The courses include video lectures, which total about 3.5 hours of video per week. The videos are in Canvas (the course platform), and run through software called PlayPosit, which allows the curriculum team to embed ASR responding in the videos (without the need for video codes).

The courses also include a weekly 1-hour live review with a co-instructor. Because students are enrolled in a section when they register, they cannot change their section after the term's drop/add period. However, students can still attend a make-up section twice in a 3-credit course, with a small point deduction (meetings are 20 points, a make-up is 15/20), and once in a 1-credit course. 

The courses also include reading checks, which are mandatory, and fluency quizzes for students to practice their vocabulary. 

Unit quizzes have two versions; they include 20 questions, but do not provide feedback on answers (since they are for assessment purposes). The final exams also have two versions and include 100 questions, with a 2.5-hour time limit; they also do not provide any feedback—both because of the resources required to provide it, but also because these are for assessment at that point, and not learning.

The courses in the online ABA programs utilize Honorlock, an online exam proctoring tool, to promote academic integrity of the course. Students will be required to use a webcam and microphone throughout the online examination. Honorlock will record the student via webcam as well as record screen activity to detect unapproved course material or inappropriate search-engine use. Students will be required to verify their identity and scan the room prior to the examination. 

Students can complete the proctored components of the course requirements anywhere that satisfies the requirements for proctoring, as the environment must be free from distractions or other technology, maintain privacy, and comfortable and convenient. Students are permitted to complete proctored course components from their homes. However, if scanning a room in your home makes you uncomfortable, you may choose to complete proctored course components at another location. Other potential locations could include a room at a local library or testing center. 

Remote proctoring is offered as an alternative to live proctoring that can occur in a testing center or in an on-campus classroom setting. Alternate methods do require approval from the academic department to ensure they satisfy the requirements. 

If you have a documented disability that prevents you from leaving your home and therefore prevents you from choosing another location for proctored course components, please reach out to the Office of Accessibility Resources. All other questions regarding course proctoring can be directed to the course instructor or lead co-instructor.

Changing your Major

Need to change your major? Here's how to make your request.

If you applied for the incorrect program or want to change your major, please follow the instructions below.

The process for changing your major depends on your current and new program. Be sure to follow the specific instructions for the type of change you want to make.

  • Certificate changing to Master's or
    Master's changing to Certificate or
    4th/5th Transition Coursework changing to Certificate/Master's or
    Certificate/Master's changing to 4th/5th Transition Coursework (Non-Matriculating Student)

    Use the Application Portal to request this type of change.

    1. Log in to your application portal
    2. Click the blue link that says “graduate” then select “request to change your major”
    3. Complete application information as appropriate:
      • Where would you like to study? Online
      • Student Type: Select the type you want to change to (e.g., Certificate Program-Graduate, Master's or Non-matriculating)
      • What would you like to study? Select the name of your new program.
      • Entry Term: Select the term you wish to start the new program.
    4. Upload unofficial transcript copies for all college work. If you are requesting to change to the master's program, you'll need to upload a résumé too.
    5. Complete the application in full and sign. Review and submit the request. 


  • Certificate changing to Certificate or
    Certificate changing to “Assistant Behavior Analyst along the way” to master’s (“along the way”…students enrolled in the master’s program but want to get an Assistant Behavior Analyst certificate “along the way”)

    Use the Change of Major form to request this type of change.

    1. Email Student Records to request the Change of Major form
    2. Complete the form and obtain required signatures
    3. Return the completed form to Student Records for processing.


  • Master's changing to a different Master's  or
    Transition to or from an on-campus program

    Use PAWS to request this type of change.

    1. Log in to PAWS
    2. Select the Student tab
    3. Select Change of Major to submit your request.

Note: If you have not been enrolled for two or more years you cannot submit a Change of Major but must reapply for admission.

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