Hands holding a paper cut out of a head

BACB Eligibility Requirements are changing

The last day to submit an application for the BACB® 2022 (5th Edition) eligibility requirements is December 31, 2026.

  • 5th Edition Task List is the most recent Task List. 6th Edition TCO refers to the version of the test based on the 5th Edition Task List.
  • Review BACB 6th Edition TCO here: BCBA Test Content Outline (6th ed.)

Students who apply for BCBA®/BCaBA® certification exams after January 1, 2027 will be expected to meet the 2027 Certification Requirements. Review BACB changes here: March 2022 Newsletter

Preparing for the BACB Exam

a student sitting at a computer to study

  1. Log in to the BACB Gateway to begin your Certification Application.
  2. Order your transcripts.
  3. Review the BACB Examination Information.
  4. Prepare your F-FVF (Final Verified Fieldwork Form) and follow fieldwork and supervision guidelines.
  • Students should create a BACB Gateway account and application to take their exam.
  • Students will proceed to Order Official Transcript
  • You will need your Student ID or SSN available to order transcripts
  • Official Transcripts are $10 and payable online by credit/debit card.
  • BACB can accept electronic transcripts unless you previously took 4th Edition coursework
  • Applicant who completed 4th Ed coursework will need to order "Paper Transcripts"
  • If you completed multiple verified course sequences through different universities or different editions the BACB requires all VCS numbers to process your application.
  • If you are using any 4th edition coursework or courses from another program, please choose "No, I completed my behavior-analytic coursework through multiple universities or programs." 
  • Do NOT check the box indicating the VCS coordinator will be submitting a VCS Coordinator Coursework Attestation.
  • Students who have had courses transferred in from an external university will need to order Florida Tech Transcripts and an official transcript from the external university.

BCBA®/BCaBA® Eligible Pathways- Everyone who completed the BCaBA, BCBA, or MA program

  • Behavior-Analytic Coursework (Pathway 2)

Behavior-Analytic Coursework Information

All Students: Do NOT check the box indicating the VCS coordinator will be submitting a VCS Coordinator Coursework Attestation.

*If you are using any 4th edition coursework or courses from another program, please choose "No, I completed my behavior-analytic coursework through multiple universities or programs."

BCaBA VCS Students

  • University Name: Florida Institute of Technology
  • Department Name: Behavior Analysis
  • Program Name: Applied Behavior Analysis Assistant Certificate
  • Mode of Instruction: Online

BCBA VCS and M.A. Students

  • University Name: Florida Institute of Technology
  • Department Name: Behavior Analysis
  • Program Name: Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate
  • Mode of Instruction: Online

Degree Information (M.A. Students only)

  • Degree: Masters
  • Institution: Florida Institute of Technology
  • Location: Melbourne, FL
  • Program Name: Behavior Analysis Practice, M.A.

The VCS number is the number assigned to each Verified Course Sequence by ABAI. You may need this number when you apply for BACB certification. 

Current VCS Coursework:

4th Edition (retired) VCS coursework:

International BACB Deadlines

For specific information from the BACB, please visit: BACB International Development & Support webpage

International Certification

The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) verifies course sequences of educational institutions. Florida Tech’s Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate, Assistant Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate, and behavior analysis master's degree programs contain ABAI-verified course sequences (VCS). 

As international certification processes evolve, countries worldwide will likely create criterion-based credentialing processes for individuals interested in providing behavior-analytic services. International credentialing bodies will likely refer to and use BACB and ABAI criteria to approve educational programs or something similar (i.e., Verified Course Sequences). However, it is essential for those seeking international certification to research and understand your country's specific educational and experiential criteria requirements.

Florida Tech’s online ABA programs do not include a practicum, so students will need to arrange their supervised experience hours independently. For the most accurate guidance, we recommend reaching out directly to the BACB®, as they set the requirements for experience hours. Their BCBA® Handbook provides detailed information on the process, and their website includes a contact form if you have any questions.

Coursework Attestations after December 31, 2025

You must apply for the BCBA® exam with an approvable application before December 31, 2025 if you wish to add Florida Tech coursework to coursework previously completed at other universities. Starting January 1, 2026, Florida Tech will not provide an attestation to the BACB for coursework completed across multiple school programs.

If your coursework at Florida Tech will extend beyond the December 31, 2025 deadline, we recommend completing one of our ABA Online Graduate Programs: the Master of Arts in Behavior Analysis Professional Practice or the Online Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate 

If you have taken coursework at another school, coursework can still be completed at Florida Tech. However, if an attestation form is required after December 31, 2025 and includes coursework from multiple universities, then a prior institution will need to provide the BACB with a full attestation that includes previously completed coursework and the additional coursework completed at Florida Tech. Students should contact a formerly attended school to confirm that they will provide the full attestation. As of January 1, 2026, Florida Tech will not offer attestations for BACB certifications across multiple institutions. 

Undergraduate Courses

The BACB requires that all coursework toward BCBA certification be done at the graduate level. Please consult the BCBA® Handbook for further details.

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