Hands holding a paper cut out of a head

For instructions to check your schedule, please see our forms and requests page.

To add or drop courses, please see the registration information page.

For instructions to request an enrollment verification certificate, please see our forms and requests page.

For information about student ID cards, please see our forms and requests page.

You'll find a link to 1098T instructions on the ABA Online financial aid page.

Plans of study can be found on the Plans of Study and General Advising web page.

Information about registering for courses outside your plan of study is available on the Registration for ABA Online page.

These courses are designed to be completed at the student's convenience during the Unit Week, without an additional online meeting in their schedule. Course descriptions can be found in the catalog.


  • 5020 is a current topic in Behavior Analysis course.
  • 5040 is a preliminary competency assessment and should only be taken in the final semester to assist students in preparing for their Final Program Exam (FPE).
  • 5046 is comprised of content that benefits from reflection on how it relates to each student’s own experiences, practices and beliefs. Therefore, the online meeting component of this course was replaced with assignments that facilitate these reflections (along with lecture checks).The lead co-instructor for the course is Christine Ratcliff. Her contact information is provided within the course should students have any questions about the course materials. 
  • 5060-5065 focuses on practical applications of Behavior Analysis as it applies to the student's experience.


Complete information about the available electives for the master’s program can be found on the Restricted Electives web page.

Required textbooks are listed in the course syllabus for each course and online on the Textbooks and Training Materials web page. Students should be mindful that they need to use the Florida Tech Online Bookstore to search for their required texts, not the on-campus bookstore.


The Florida Tech bookstore is used by on-campus students only. Students in online programs need to use Florida Tech’s online bookstore instead. A link to the correct bookstore is provided on the Textbooks and Training Materials web page next to each required text.

Please visit our information pages on : Transcripts and BCBA® Exam Info

Please see our BACB® exam information page.

All Students: Do NOT check the box indicating the VCS coordinator will be submitting a VCS Coordinator Coursework Attestation.

The BACB will now require the following information when registering for the exam.

The program information you will need to enter on the BACB exam application are: 

BCBA®/BCaBA® Eligible Pathways ( Everyone who completed the BCaBA, BCBA, or MA program)

Behavior-Analytic Coursework (Pathway 2).

 Behavior-Analytic Coursework Information

  • BCaBA VCS Certificate Students

University Name: Florida Institute of Technology

Department Name: Behavior Analysis

Program Name: Applied Behavior Analysis Assistant Certificate

Mode of Instruction: Online

  • BCBA VCS Certificate Students

University Name: Florida Institute of Technology

Department Name: Behavior Analysis

Program Name: Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate

Mode of Instruction: Online

  • M.A. Behavior Analysis Practice Students

University Name: Florida Institute of Technology

Department Name: Behavior Analysis

Program Name: Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate

Mode of Instruction: Online

Degree: Masters

Institution: Florida Institute of Technology

Location: Melbourne, FL

Program Name: Behavior Analysis Practice, M.A.


Please see instructions for change of major on the program plan page.

Yes, as Florida is in the Eastern time zone, any times published on the Florida Tech website are in the Eastern (EDT/EST) time zone.

How the courses are scheduled. 

In general, the 3-credit courses run for 11 weeks, beginning on the semester open date, and the 1-credit courses run for the last five weeks of the semester. The orientation week for the 1-credit courses overlaps the exam week for the 3-credit courses. The exceptions to this are the restricted electives and applied experience courses for the M.A. – BAP. The applied experience courses run for the full 15 weeks of the semester, and the schedule for the restricted elective courses varies depending on the course. Please see the Restricted Elective Courses section of this handbook for details on when the electives courses run within the semester.  

How the courses are formatted.

The courses include video lectures, which total about 3.5 hours of video per week. The videos are in Canvas (the course platform), and run through software called PlayPosit, which allows the curriculum team to embed ASR responding in the videos (without the need for video codes).

The courses also include a weekly 1-hour live review with a co-instructor. Because students are enrolled in a section when they register, they cannot change their section after the term's drop/add period. However, students can still attend a make-up section twice in a 3-credit course, with a small point deduction (meetings are 20 points, a make-up is 15/20), and once in a 1-credit course. 

The courses also include reading checks, which are mandatory, and fluency quizzes for students to practice their vocabulary. 

Unit quizzes have two versions; they include 20 questions, but do not provide feedback on answers (since they are for assessment purposes). The final exams also have two versions and include 100 questions, with a 2.5-hour time limit; they also do not provide any feedback—both because of the resources required to provide it, but also because these are for assessment at that point, and not learning.


Florida Tech does not offer practicum for the online ABA programs. Students are responsible for accruing their supervised experience hours independently.

Please see our BACB® Exam Information page for information and resources related to BACB certifications.

For instructions to check your grades, please see our forms and requests page.

Instructions for accessing your unofficial transcript are available on our transcripts page.

For information about transferring courses into the M.A. program, please see our forms and requests page.

Please see our BACB® Exam Information page for information about BACB certification.

Please see the Registration for ABA Online page for information related to registration.

The courses in the online ABA programs utilize Honorlock, an online exam proctoring tool, to promote academic integrity of the course. Students will be required to use a webcam and microphone throughout the online examination. Honorlock will record the student via webcam as well as record screen activity to detect unapproved course material or inappropriate search-engine use. Students will be required to verify their identity and scan the room prior to the examination. 

Students can complete the proctored components of the course requirements anywhere that satisfies the requirements for proctoring, as the environment must be free from distractions or other technology, maintain privacy, and comfortable and convenient. Students are permitted to complete proctored course components from their homes. However, if scanning a room in your home makes you uncomfortable, you may choose to complete proctored course components at another location. Other potential locations could include a room at a local library or testing center. 

Remote proctoring is offered as an alternative to live proctoring that can occur in a testing center or in an on-campus classroom setting. Alternate methods do require approval from the academic department to ensure they satisfy the requirements. 

If you have a documented disability that prevents you from leaving your home and therefore prevents you from choosing another location for proctored course components, please reach out to the Office of Accessibility Resources. All other questions regarding course proctoring can be directed to the course instructor or lead co-instructor.

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