Paul Rice
Paul Rice was a pilot for United Airlines for nearly 44 years, finishing his career as a captain on the Boeing 787. While at United he held numerous leadership positions at both the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), and the International Federation of Air Line Pilot Associations (IFALPA).
During his time at United Airlines, Paul flew as captain for more than 30 years and was an instructor pilot and check airman on numerous aircraft types. During his first 20 years with United, he flew domestically and then flew international routes for the remainder of his career. Between flying and association work, Paul has visited more than 80 countries worldwide.
ALPA represents airline pilots in the US and Canada. Working on behalf of the represented pilots, Paul served at the local level in Washington, DC’s Council 11 as captain representative and chairman. He further served at the international level as Vice President of Administration and later as First Vice President. Coordinating work on strategic planning, improvements to ALPA’s governing structure, election and ballot reforms, union organizing, and labor negotiations were a part of Paul’s duties. Among his accomplishments was the inclusion of the first labor codicil in a US-signed treaty; the US-EU Open Skies Agreement.
IFALPA represents pilot associations in over 100 nations across the globe. At ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), the aviation arm of the United Nations, IFALPA is one of only two non-states to hold a seat at the General Assembly. Paul served as IFALPA Executive Vice President of North America and subsequently as IFALPA Deputy President. Areas of focus included the criminal liability of pilots under ICAO Annex 13, strategic planning for airline growth in Africa, China, and the Gulf Region, dealing with low/ultra-low-cost corporate models, and modernization of IFALPA’s structure to include helicopter pilots and airline pilot alliances.
Paul attended Florida Institute of Technology’s School of Aviation from 1975 to 1978 earning an AS in Flight Technology and a BS in Air Commerce.
Florida Institute of Technology - A.S. in Flight Technology
Florida Institute of Technology - B.S. in Air Commerce