- 150 W. University Blvd.
- Melbourne, FL 32901
- (321) 674-7190
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What career or personal update would you like to give to your fellow Florida Tech Panthers alumni?
I am a behavior analyst working with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I apply the science of behavior analysis to teach communication, social, and adaptive skills. Since receiving my board certification, I have worked in clinical and home settings consulting with families on ways to improve their daily lives by addressing challenging behaviors that get in the way of their daily functioning. I currently work with a Telehealth company based in Texas to provide ABA therapy to families in rural areas where ABA services are not accessible. Additionally, I am an active member of my local ABA special interest group to ensure I am up to date with the developments in the field.
How did your time at Florida Tech help get you to where you are today?
The MA program for behavior analysis was instrumental in my passing the required board exam for behavior analysts. Not only was I fully prepared for the exam, but I learned so much that I continue to apply to my day-to-day clinical practice.
What is your favorite Florida Tech memory?
While my program was entirely online, I attended the graduation ceremony at the Florida Tech campus and was fortunate enough to meet students from my cohort.
Was there a mentor or professor who had a big impact on you personally and/or professionally?
Dr. Freeman inspired me to be curious and obtain knowledge within and outside of the science of ABA. Course instructors Corey Robertson and Bill Carlucci were fantastic and engaging teachers that made my program exciting. These teachers motivated me by demonstrating their own passion for the field and so I give my many thanks to them for inspiring me to learn and grow in this field.
Please share any advice you have for current Florida Tech students.
Find what interests you! Use this as your "why". Having a reason why you are pursuing a goal makes it much easier to achieve it! Once you discover what lights you up and excites you, use that as fuel to work hard towards your goal.
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