Marc Weeden, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Marc earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from Western Michigan University M.S. in Behavior Analysis from Florida Institute of Technology. In addition, he was a postdoc at Juniper Gardens Children’s Project at the University of Kansas. He has taught graduate and undergraduate level courses in Behavior Analysis and has conducted both basic and applied research. He has extensive experience providing behavior analysis services to individuals with a variety of developmental disabilities in home, clinic, and school settings. Marc’s main areas of interest are teaching functional communication skills to individuals with autism, behavioral pharmacology, and staff training/management. From 2011-2016, he served on the editorial review board of Education and Treatment of Children, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research concerning the development of services for children and youth. He served on the CalABA Board of Directors as the Northern California Liaison, has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals, co-authored a textbook chapter, and presented at state and national conferences.