SummerPal Kahlon
Infectious disease specialist in Cocoa Beach, Florida
Treasurer, Change Healthcare
Trustee, AMCP (Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy) Foundation
M.D., University of Alabama School of Medicine (UAB)
M.S. Healthcare Informatics. University of Central Florida
Dr. Kahlon has a background in health information systems, electronic health records (EHR), health data exchange, mHealth and telemedicine. His primary career interest is in applying modern information and communication technologies to transform the delivery of healthcare.
Dr. Kahlon currently serves as Value-Based Payments Evangelist at Change Healthcare. Prior to that, Dr. Kahlon served in various roles at Oracle and McKesson, with a focus on delivering technological innovation to support individualized care at the intersection of population health and precision medicine. In addition, Dr. Kahlon has spent time in community practice as an adult infectious diseases specialist in Florida. Dr. Kahlon is currently on staff at the Orlando VA Medical Center and is affiliated with the University of Central Florida College of Medicine as Assistant Professor of Medicine
Among other professional affiliations, Dr. Kahlon presently serves on the Board of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Central & North Florida Chapter.