Two students looking through a telescope
Student working on a project at the computer
Two students talking outside
Playing music at the international festival
Student in a chemistry lab
Two students talking in the lobby
Students walking over a bridge
Student walking through a skateboard shop
Students walking over a bridge at Florida Tech
Florida Tech soccer field
Three students standing outside
A student working with steel
Kids posing with the panther statue
Indian dancers dancing at the international festival
Students smiling in class
Students holding flags representing their country
Three students at the student design center
Student with a microscope
At a local grocery store
Two students talking inside
An instructor teaching a class
Two students working with a laser
Working on a go-cart
Students in line for graduation
At the student design center
A male student at Florida Tech
Student looking at a liquid in a container
Students walking to their next class
A student studying outside
Aquarium with a lionfish
Students having dinner at Panther dining hall
Three students in a chemistry lab
Sudents standing in a circle outside
Small plane flying over the ocean
A professor helping a student at the computer
Three students looking at a laptop
A student working in a computer lap
Student cutting steel with a machine
A student being assisted by a professor
Student and teacher in chemistry lab