Illustration of a diverse group of people.

Certificate Criteria

To complete the Certificate in Cultural Competency, students must earn a total of 8 non-credit points. The two final points are earned through the final Capstone Reflection. All of the criteria, except the First-Year Experience, require the completion of reflection questions. Find out more about earning certificate points on the Cultural Competency Engage page.  

First-Year Experience (1 point) 

Students in FYE 1000 will complete an in-class introduction to cultural competency.  Students will be auto-enrolled in the certificate program via Engage Paths. 

Foundations Workshop (1 point) 

Students will have the opportunity to attend varying workshops that introduce the concepts of cultural competency. Attending a qualifying workshop is required and optimally completed before or in conjunction with the elective options.

Elective Options (4 points required from at least 2 options)

Students have the option to select from the following categories of experiences to gain points toward the completion of their certificate. 

Study Abroad (2 points)

Professional Experience (2 points)

Students will receive certificate points for working with a team, company, organization, or association internationally or that promotes cultural competency initiatives. 

  • Internship 
  • Practicum
  • Research Experience 
  • Design or Research Project Team Work 

Academic Coursework (1 point per class)  

Students will receive both academic credit and certificate points for the completion of a qualifying course. See Qualifying Courses.  Language classes in students' native language do not qualify for certificate credit. 

Cultural Group or Organization (1 point) 

Participation in a group, club, or organization that celebrates culture for, at minimum, one semester. 

Cultural Events or Experiences (1 point for 5 events) 

Attend and participate in five qualifying cultural or community events on or off-campus. 

Design Your Own Elective (1-4 points)  

Do you have an experience or opportunity that falls outside the above guidelines? Present it to a committee member for consideration.  

Required: Capstone Reflection (2 points)

A capstone project that reflects on the student's cultural experiences is required to complete the certificate program and earn transcript designation. The format of the capstone is flexible, i.e. a video, Zoom presentation, web portfolio, reflection paper, etc. Students must have 6 points of qualifying criteria to present the final Capstone. 


Have something you think should be accepted for certificate credit?

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