Sunset in the Sky
National Stalking Awareness Month

In January 2004, the National Center of Victims of Crime launched National Stalking Awareness Month (NSMA) to increase the public’s understanding of the crime of stalking and help develop and implement multidisciplinary responses to the crime. NSAM provides students an opportunity to learn what stalking is and the various forms it can take, to identify behaviors that indicate stalking and to know what interventions to take on behalf of yourself and/or your friends. 

What is stalking?

Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, and/or contact directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.


  • 18-24 year old’s experience the highest rates of stalking.
  • 1 in 6 women and 1 in 19 men will experience stalking in their lifetime.
  • 3% of victims knew or had seen their stalker before.
  • 1% of incidences were not reported to police.
  • 4% of victims confided in someone that they were being stalked.

Common stalking behaviors

  • Follows you and shows up wherever you are.
  • Sends unwanted gifts, letters, cards, or emails.
  • Persistent phone calls despite being told not to make contact in any form.
  • Damages your home, car, or other property.
  • Uses technology to track and monitor you.
  • Drives by or hangs out at your home, class, or work.
  • Threatens to you, your family, friends, or pets of the victim.
  • Stalks by proxy or makes third-party contact.
  • Finds out about you using public records or online searches.
  • Posts information or spreads rumors about you.
  • Other actions that control, track, or frighten you.

On-campus support

On campus resources are available to students, faculty and staff.

Off-campus support

Off-campus resources include the Victim Connect Helpline at 855-4-VICTIM – 855-484-2846 – that provides information and referrals for victims of all crimes. You can also find resources such as a stalking incident and behavior log, safety plan guidelines, address confidentiality programs, and tips when relocating at the Victims Of Crime website.

The National Stalking Awareness Month website (, launched in January 2009, provides a wealth of information about the crime and about the nationwide observance

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