Sky View Through an Archway on Campus

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Educational Background

B.A. in Physics Magna Cum Laude, Harvard College 1959
M.S. in Physics University of Alabama - Huntsville 1967
Ph.D. in Physics University of Alabama 1970

Professional Experience

Instructor in sciences and mathematics, Sancta Familia Academy, Melbourne, Florida.

Consultant to Harris Corporation in the areas of computer-controlled instrumentation involving the IEEE-488 bus system, and in solid state physics, especially electromigration.

Consultant to NEOS Technologies, Inc. in the area of optical and opto-mechanical system design.

Consultant to Equipment Fabricators Inc. for design and testing of computer-controlled measurement equipment incorporated into large multiple crane system built for Disney's Epcot Center.

1994-95 Chief Scientist, Orion Team Site R&D contract for the U.S. Air Force Malabar Test Facility.2001-present, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Tech.

1989-1990 Acting Director, Center for Space Flight Engineering Research, Space Research Institute.

1982-2001, Professor of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Tech. Research in the areas of electromigration, computer controlled instrumentation, spectroscopy, and applied optics.

1974-1982 Associate Professor of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Tech. Department head 1974-1976.

1970-1974, Assistant Professor of Physics, Florida Institute of Technology. Acting department head 1973-1974.

1968-1970 Senior Research Assistant, The Research Institute of the University of Alabama in Huntsville: Research on the optical spectroscopy of Rare Earth salts at liquid Helium temperatures, involving the development of elaborate electronic noise reduction techniques (Ph.D. dissertation).

1966-1967 Senior Scientist, Hayes International Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama: Contract support to NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in the fields of experiment design and error analysis, instrumentation design and development, study of space power systems and space tools, and extensive work in underwater and mechanical space simulation. Pressure suit qualified for KC-135 Zero-g flights.

1964-1966 Research Physicist, U.S. Army Missile Command Propulsion Laboratory, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama: Research on gelled propellants, instrumentation and data transmission system design for a remote rocket propellant mixing and engine testing facility, and an electronic data processing method for time-of-flight mass spectrometry (M.S. Thesis).

1962-1964 Physicist, U.S. Army Missile Support Command Calibration Center, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama: Research in new methods of metrology and calibration, including measurements of shock, acceleration, flow, vibration, high voltage and current, high vacuum, and optical intensity and transmission.

Reviewer for:

  • The Journal of Laser Applications
  • Optical Engineering
  • IEEE Electron Device Letters
  • Applied Optics
  • Computers in Physics
  • Journal of the Optical Society (A)
  • National Science Foundation

Associate Editor for The Journal of Manufacturing Systems

Selected Publications

Bernard C. Bailey, Joel H. Blatt, and Frank M. Caimi, "Radiative Transfer Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Variant and Coherent Illumination for Undersea Object Detection', IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., vol. 28, pp.570-582, Oct. 2003.

J.D. Patterson, J. Blatt, J. Burns, J.G. Mantovani, and R.P. Rafaelle, "A Model of Enhanced STM Current due to Semiconductor Optical Absorption", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 63 (2002) 257-265.

Barbara Garita, Hector Guiterrez, Ildiko Laszlo, and Joel H. Blatt, "Automated Alignment by Hybrid Video and 3-D Video Moir with both Conventional and Parallel Processing," SPIE Proceedings 4189, Machine Vision and Three-Dimensional Imaging Systems for Inspection and Optical Metrology,129-35 (2000).

Bernard S. Gilbert and Joel H. Blatt, "Enhanced 3-D reconstruction of surfaces using multicolor gratings," Optical Engineering 39(1), 5-60 (Jan. 2000).

Rafael Andrade, Bernard Gilbert, Joel Blatt, Samuel Kozaitis, and Scott Cahall, "Real-time optically processed target recognition system based on arbitrary moire contours," Selected SPIE Papers on CD-ROM series, Vol 6: Automatic Target Recognition, edited by Dr. Firooz Sadjadi, December, 1999.

Frank M. Caimi, Bernard C. Bailey and Joel H. Blatt, "Undersea object detection and recognition: The use of spatially and temporally varying coherent illumination," pp.1474-1479, Proc IEEE Oceans'99, Seattle, (Sept. 1999).

J. Bruce Rafert, Glenn Sellar, and Joel H. Blatt, "Monolithic Fourier-transform imaging spectrometer," Applied Optics 34 (31), 7228-7230 (1995).

F.M. Caim, J.H. Blatt, B.G. Grossman, D. Smith, J.A. Hooker, D. Kocak, and F.S. Gonzalez, "Advanced Underwater Laser Systems for Ranging, Size Estimation, and Profiling," MTS Journal, 27, No. 1, 31-41 (Spring, 1993).

J.H. Blatt, J.A. Hooker, H.-C. Ho, and E. H. Young, "The application of acousto-optic cells and video processing to achieve signal-to-noise improvements in variable resolution moir profilometry," Optical Engineering 31(10), 2129-2138, (1992).

J.H. Blatt, J.A. Hooker, and F.M. Caimi, "ADAPTATION OF VIDEO MOIRE TECHNIQUES TO UNDER SEA MAPPING AND SURFACE SHAPE DETERMINATION," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 16, issues 4 & 5, 265-278, (1992).

J. H. Blatt, H.-C. C. Ho, and E. H. Young, "Generation of variable spacing gratings and moire contours with acousto-optic cells," Optical Engineering 28, 996, (Sept. 1989).

J. H. Blatt and H-C. Chang Ho, "Rapid fabrication of coarse transmission gratings and targets by microcomputer and laser printer," Applied Optics, Vol. 26, No. 14, 2691, 15 (July 1987).

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