Fisak, Brian
Brian Fisak
Associate Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Psychology
Contact Information
Quad 406, Room 125
Personal Overview
Dr. Fisak has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is a licensed psychologist. He teaches courses in both the Psy.D. and undergraduate programs at FIT. Dr. Fisak worked for 18 years as a professor before starting his position at FIT.
Dr. Fisak’s primary cliaical and research interests fall into a number of overlapping areas including, child psychopathology, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, and evidence-based treatments (with a particular interest in mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions). Dr. Fisak has an active research program, and he enjoys working with both graduate and undergraduate students. He has authored over 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals (most of which include student coauthors), and is coeditor of a book titled, Preschool Anxiety: Prevention, Treatment, and Assessment.
Educational Background
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Central Florida
M.A. Clinical Psychology, University of Central Florida
B.A. Psychology, Shippensburg University
Selected Publications
Fisak, B. & Barrett, P. (Eds.). (2019). Preschool Anxiety: Prevention, Treatment, and Assessment. Routledge Publishing. ISBN: 9780415789707
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (* denotes student coauthor)
*Russell, M., *Hale, N., *Eible, A., & Fisak, B. (in press). The Measurement of Video Conferencing Anxiety and Avoidance. Technology, Mind, and Behavior.
Eible, A.* & Fisak, B. (in press). The Development and Validation of the Intolerance of Uncertainty in Social Interactions Scale. Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy.
Hale, N.*, Verdone, M.*, Inozu, M., Kargi, B., Ayan, Ö., Usta, E., & Öncü, B., & Fisak, B. (in press). Examination of the psychometric properties of the Scrupulous Thoughts and Behaviors Questionnaire (STBQ) in a Turkish Muslim sample. Religion, Mental Health, and Culture
Penna, A., Russell, M., Margaris, A., Lamoli, L. & Brian Fisak (2024). The Measurement of Reactions to Face Masks and the Relation to Social Anxiety. Cognitive Psychotherapy,
Fisak, B., *Penna, A., *Mian, N., *Lamoli, L., *Margaris, A., & Dela Cruz, S. (2023). The Effectiveness of Anxiety Interventions for Younge Children: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 32(8), 2546–2557.
Fisak, B., *Griffin, K., *Nelson, C., Julia Gallegos-Guardo, J., & Davila, S. (2023). The Effectiveness of the FRIENDS Programs for Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analytic Review. Mental Health & Prevention.
*Ong, J.W. *Betancourt, S., & Fisak. B. (2021). The Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Measure of Scrupulosity: The Scrupulous Thoughts & Behaviors Questionnaire. Behaviour Change, 38, 164-176.
Fisak, B., *Bryant, A., & *Klein, K. (2020). Self-Focused Attention as a Predictor of Post-Event and Anticipatory Processing: Examination of a Moderation Model. International Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 13, 203-217. https://doi:org/10.1007/s41811-020-00072-9
*Phillips, A., & Fisak, B. (2020). An examination of the factor structure of the Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity-Revised (PIOS-R) in atheist and Christian samples. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 14, 222-228.
Olivares-Mora, M., Berman, N., Fisak, B., Ruvalcaba-Romero, N., & Gallegos-Guajardo, J. (2020). Validation of the Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory for the Mexican population: Cross-Cultural Discrepancies. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34, 47-57. 10.1891/0889-8391.34.1.47
Castillo-Huerta, P., Ruvalcaba-Romero, N., Fisak, B., Berman, N., Gallegos-Guajardo, J. (2020). Validation of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire- Short Version (CERQ-SV) in a Mexican population. Journal of Psychology & Education/Revista de Psicología y Educación, 21, 57-81.
Sugiura, Y., & Fisak, B. (2019). Inflated Responsibility in Worry and Obsessive Thinking. International Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 12, 97-108.
Fisak, B., *Rodriguez, H., *Kissell, K. (2019). The relevance of mindfulness and thought suppression to scrupulosity. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 33, 106-115.
Treviño, B., Berman, N., Fisak, B., & Ruvalcaba-Romero, N.A.. & Gallegos, J., (2019). Validation of the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for the Mexican Population. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive & Related Disorders, 21, 13-17.
Fisak, B., *Kissinger-Knox, A., & *Cibrian, E. (2018). Rumination and the mood-as-input hypothesis: Does congruence matter? Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 61, 51-59.
Fisak, B., Gallegos-Guarado, J., Verrynne, M., Barrett, P. (2018). The Results of a Targeted Open Trial of the Fun FRIENDS Combined with a Concurrent Parent-Based Intervention. Mental Health & Prevention, 10, 35-41.
Gallegos, J., Sánchez-Jauregui, G., *Hidalgo, J., Davila-de Gárate, S. M., Támez-Díaz, O. G., & Fisak, B. (2018). The validation of a Spanish version of the Pennsylvania Inventory of Scrupulosity—Revised. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 21, 194-203.
*Rodriguez, H., *Kissell, K., *Lucas, L. & Fisak, B. (2017). The Development and Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Negative Beliefs about Post-Event Processing Scale. Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy.
*Kissell, K., *Rodriguez, H., *Lucas, L., & Fisak, B. (2016). Examination of the Contribution of Ruminative Thinking and Maladaptive Self-Beliefs to Social Anxiety. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 4, 253-262.
Barrett, P., Fisak, B., & Cooper, M. (2015). The treatment of anxiety in young children: Results of an open trial of the Fun FRIENDS program. Behaviour Change, 32, 231-242. 231-242 https:/
*O’Leary, J., & Fisak , B.(2015). Examination of trait-stop rules as predictors, of worry, perseverative thinking, and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 6, 242-252.
Fisak, B. (2014). The prevention of anxiety in preschool-aged children: Development of a new program and preliminary findings. Mental Health and Prevention, 2, 18-25.
Fisak, B., *Mentuccia, M., & Przeworski, A. (2014). The examination of meta-worry in a non-clinical adolescent sample. Behaviour and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 42, 491-496.
Fisak, B., *Mann., A., & Heggeli, K. (2013). The association between perceptions of parent worry and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms in a community sample of adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 18, 226-235.
Fisak, B., & *Hammond, A. (2013). Do positive beliefs about post-event processing predict social anxiety symptoms? Behaviour Change, 30, 36-47.
Fisak, B, *Holderfield, K.G., *Douglas-Osborn, E., & Cartwright-Hatton, S. (2012). What do parents worry about? examination of the construct of parent worry and the relation to parent and child anxiety. Behaviour and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 40, 542-557.
Fisak, B., & *von Lehe, A. (2012). The relation between the five facets of mindfulness and worry in a non-clinical sample. Mindfulness, 3, 15-21.
Fisak, B., Belkin, M., *von Lehe, A., & Bansal, M. (2012). Predictors of health-related quality of life in pediatric sickle cell disease. Child: Care Health & Development, 38, 204–210.
*Abrazinskas, M., Fisak, B., & Barnes, R. (2012). The relation between parental influence, body image, and eating behaviors in a nonclinical female sample. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 9, 93-100.
Fisak, B., Richard, D., & *Mann, A., (2011). A meta-analytic review of child and adolescent anxiety prevention programs. Prevention Science, 12, 255-268.
Fisak, B., & *Mann, A. (2010). The relation between parent rearing practices and adolescent social anxiety: A factor analytic approach. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 15, 303-318.
Peterson, R., Fisak, B., Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2010). Validation of the food thought suppression inventory. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 273-281.
Grills-Taquechel, A. E, & Ollendick, T. H., & Fisak, B. (2008). A re-examination of the MASC factor structure and discriminant ability in a mixed clinical outpatient sample. Depression and Anxiety, 25, 942-950.
Fisak, B. & Grills-Taquechel, A.E. (2007). Parental modeling, reinforcement, and information transfer: Risk factors in the development of child anxiety? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 10, 213-231.
Fisak, B., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Peterson, R. (2007). Personality Information: Does it Influence Perceptions of Attractive Body Sizes? Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 4, 213-217.
Fisak, B., Peterson, R.D., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Molnar, J.M. (2006). Challenging previous conceptions of vegetarianism and eating disorders. Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia, and Obesity, 11, 195-200.
Fisak, B., Oliveros, A., & Ehrenreich, J.T. (2006). Assessment and behavioral treatment of Selective Mutism. Clinical Case Studies, 5, 382-402.
Chin, M.G., Fisak, B., & Sims, V.K. (2002). Development of the attitudes toward vegetarians scale. Anthrozoos, 15, 332-342.