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James Gering

Instructor | College of Engineering and Science - Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

Physics Laboratory Supervisor

Contact Information
(321) 674-7106
F.W. Olin Physical Sciences, 138

Educational Background

B.S. University of Louisville
M.S. Indiana University

Professional Experience

Responsible for managing a physics laboratory program serving over 300 students each semester. Has designed and implemented two computer-based physics teaching laboratories and has written, illustrated and published two laboratory manuals. Each semester, leads and manages a group of approximately 15 graduate students who teach over 25 sections of introductory and advanced physics laboratories.

Teaches lecture sections of introductory physics using a variety of interactive teaching methods. Some of these methods employ computer technology while others are lower-tech. All of these methods are designed to increase the amount of student-instructor and student-student interaction with the subject matter.

Has participated in four NASA-ASEE summer faculty fellowship programs. Has won an NSF-ILI grant and obtained contracts to develop curriculum materials for the University of South Florida and the state of Florida's Technology Research and Development Authority (TRDA).

Selected Publications

Gering, J. A. 2009.
Student Worksheets and Other Resources for Physics 1.
Published at Florida Institute of Technology

Gering, J.A. 2008. Concept and Method. Published at Florida Institute of Technology.

Gering, J.A. 2008. Concept and Method for LAB 2. Published at Florida Institute of Technology.

2002. Developments in Understanding Maglev Stability Applied to Launch Assist. Proceedings of NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, Kennedy Space Center.

Gering, J.A. 2000. The Technologies of Magnetized Target Fusion. Proceedings of NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, Marshall Spaceflight Center.


NASA-ASEE Summer 2003 Faculty Fellowship at Kennedy Space Center - Contributed to the data analysis of the first demonstration test flight of a Space-based Telemetry and Range Safety (STARS) system.

NASA-ASEE Summer 2002 Faculty Fellowship at Kennedy Space Center - Researched the physics of stability in magnetic levitation and the feasibility of using maglev as a first stage in a third generation reusable space launch system.

NASA-ASEE Summer 2000 Faculty Fellowship at Marshall Spaceflight Center - Collaborations to perform a magnetized target fusion experiment and to investigate this type of controlled nuclear fusion as a method for spacecraft propulsion.

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