Jha, Ratneshwar (Ratan)

Ratneshwar (Ratan) Jha
Department Head | COES: Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
L3Harris Chair Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Ratneshwar (Ratan) Jha serves as L3Harris Chair Professor and Department Head of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences at Florida Tech since September 2023. He is an ASME Fellow, AIAA Associate Fellow, ASEE Member and ABET Program Evaluator. He is an Academic Editor for the International Journal of Aerospace Engineering.
Dr. Jha has held leadership/managerial positions for over 12 years as department head, research center director, and industry manager. During 2018-2023, he served as Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rowan University, NJ. Prior to Rowan, Dr. Jha served as Director of Raspet Flight Research Lab & Advanced Composites Institute and Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Mississippi State University (2012-2018). Dr. Jha served as Assistant/Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Clarkson University from 1999 - 2012. Over the course of his career, Dr. Jha has supervised 31 MS/PhD/Post-doctoral fellows, published 150 papers, and received over $15 million in research grants and contracts.
Dr. Jha earned his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Arizona State University, and holds an MS in aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech. He received his BS in aeronautical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology. Between his MS and PhD, Dr. Jha worked in the aerospace industry (Bangalore, India) for 12 years leading a team of engineers to design HAL Tejas combat aircraft which is in series production.
Educational Background
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University, 1999
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1982
B. Tech. (Honors), Aeronautical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1981
Professional Experience
2023-Present Department Head and L3Harris Chair Professor, Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology
2018-2023 Department Head and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rowan University
2017-2018 Graduate Program Coordinator, Aerospace Engineering, MSU
2012-2016 Director, Raspet Flight Research Laboratory/Advanced Composites Institute, Mississippi State University
2015-2018 Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University (MSU)
2012-2015 Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University
2005-2012 Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Clarkson University (CU), Potsdam, NY
1999-2004 Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, CU
1995-1999 Graduate Research Associate, MAE, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
1990-1995 Manager (Design), Aerodynamics Group, Aircraft Design Bureau, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, India
1987-1990 Deputy Manager (Design), Aerodynamics Group, HAL, Bangalore, India
1983-1987 Aeronautical Engineer, Aerodynamics Group, HAL, Bangalore, India
Current Courses
AEE 4291 Aerospace Engineering Design 1
AEE 5430 Design of Aero Structures
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
N. K. Singh#, S. K. Kumar, S. K. Idury, K. K. Singh, and R. Jha, “Dynamic Compression Response of Porous Zirconium-Based Bulk Metallic Glass Honeycomb: A Numerical Study,” in Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Materials and Parts, ed. N. Shamsaei and M. Seifi (ASTM International, 2020), 308–321.
R. Jha and S. V. Barai, “Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in Structural Health Monitoring,” in J. Epaarachchi and G. Kahandawa (Eds.), “Structural Health Monitoring Technologies and Next Generation Smart Composite Structures,” Chapter 8, pages 287-339, CRC Press, 2016.
R. Jha, R. W. Sullivan, and R. Chennamsetti, “In Situ Structural Health Monitoring Systems for Aerospace Structures: Recent Developments,” in J. Epaarachchi and G. Kahandawa (Eds.), “Structural Health Monitoring Technologies and Next Generation Smart Composite Structures,” Chapter 11, pages 395-414, CRC Press, 2016.
X. Guan*, J. He*, R. Jha, and Y. Liu, “Structure Reliability and Response Prognostics under Uncertainty Using Bayesian Analysis and Analytical Approximations,” in Seifedine Kadry (Ed.), Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems: Methods and Techniques, Chapter 18, pages 358-375, IGI Global, 2012.
Archival Journal Articles
J. Muthulingam*, A. G. Padmanaban, N. K. Singh, T. W. Bacha, J. F. Stanzione III, F. M. Haas, R. Jha, J-H. Lee, B. Koohbor, “Molecular weight controls interactions between plastic deformation and fracture in cold spray of glassy polymers,” ACS Omega (2023), DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c06617.
N. K. Singh#, K. Z. Uddin*, J. Muthulingam*, R. Jha, and B. Koohbor, “Analyzing the Effects of Particle Diameter in Cold Spraying of Thermoplastic Polymer” Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Volume 30, 2021, Pages 1226-1238.
S. Bakrania and R. Jha, “Upgrading the Capstone Projects: The Engineering Clinic Model,” Procedia Computer Science, Volume 172, 2020, Pages 344-349.
S. Obeid*, G. Ahmadi, and R. Jha, “NARMAX Identification Based Closed-Loop Control of Flow Separation over NACA 0015 Airfoil,” Fluids 2020, 5, 100; (doi: 10.3390/ fluids5030100).
S. Obeid*, R. Jha, and G. Ahmadi, “RANS Simulations of Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 0015 Flapped Airfoil,” Fluids, 2017, 2(1), 2 (doi:10.3390/fluids2010002).
A. Khalili*, R. Jha, and D. Samaratunga, “Spectrally Formulated User-Defined Element in Conventional Finite Element Environment for Wave Motion Analysis in 2-D Composite Structures,” European Journal of Computational Mechanics, Volume 25, 2016 - Issue 6, 446-474.
X. Guan, J. He, and R. Jha, “Improve the Accuracy of Asymptotic Approximation in Reliability Problems involving Multimodal Distributions,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2016, Volume: 65, Issue: 4, 1724 - 1736.
D. Samaratunga#, R. Jha, and S. Gopalakrishnan, “Wavelet Spectral Finite Element for Modeling Guided Wave Propagation and Damage Detection in Stiffened Composite Panels,” Structural Health Monitoring, 2016, Vol. 15(3) 317–334.
K. K. Singh, N. K. Singh, and R. Jha, “Analysis of Symmetric and Asymmetric Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact,” Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, Vol. 50(14) 1853–1863.
D. Samaratunga#, R. Jha, and S. Gopalakrishnan, “Wave Propagation in Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints Using the Wavelet Spectral Finite Element Method,” Composite Structures, 122 (2015), 271-283.
D. Samaratunga*, R. Jha, and S. Gopalakrishnan, “Wavelet Spectral Finite Element for Wave Propagation in Shear Deformable Laminated Composite Plates,” Composite Structures, 108 (2014), 341–353.
A. Alavinasab*, R. Jha, and G. Ahmadi, “Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Composites Based on Nonlocal Elasticity Approach,” International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 15(2014), 17-25.
P. Coffin*, G. Ahmadi, R. Jha, and P. Marzocca, “Deployment Dynamics of a Rolled Micro Air Vehicle Wing,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 50, No. 1 (2013), pp. 130-139.
A. Kunwar*, R. Jha, M. Whelan*, and K. Janoyan, “Damage Detection in an Experimental Bridge Model Using Hilbert-Huang Transform of Transient Vibrations,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20(1), 2013, pp. 1-15.
R. Watkins** and R. Jha, “A Modified Time Reversal Method for Lamb Wave Based Diagnostics of Composite Structures,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 31(2012), 345-354.
X. Guan*, R. Jha, and Y. Liu, “Model Selection, Updating and Averaging for Probabilistic Fatigue Damage Prognosis,” Structural Safety, Volume 33, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 242-249.
B. LeFevre* and R. Jha, “Hybrid Adaptive Ascent Flight Control for a Flexible Launch Vehicle,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, August 2011, vol. 225, no. 8, 851-862.
B. LeFevre* and R. Jha, “Attitude Dynamics of Square Solar Sails During Spin-Deployment,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 225 (2011), pp. 433-440.
A. Alavinasab*, R. Jha, G. Ahmadi, C. Cetinkaya, and I. Sokolov, “Computational Modeling of Nano-Structured Glass Fibers,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 44, 2008, pp. 622-627.
R. Jha and C. He*, “Adaptive Neurocontrollers for Vibration Suppression of Nonlinear and Time Varying Structures,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 15, No. 9-10, Sept.- Oct. 2004, pp. 771-781.
R. Jha and C. He*, “Design and Experimental Validation of an Adaptive Neurocontroller for Vibration Suppression,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 14, No. 8, August 2003, pp. 497-506.
R. Jha, and J. Rower*, “Experimental Investigation of Active Vibration Control Using Neural Networks and Piezoelectric Actuators,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 2002, pp. 115-121.
P.C. Chen, D. Sarhaddi, R. Jha, D. Liu, K. Griffin, and R. Yurkovich, “Variable Stiffness Spar Approach for Aircraft Maneuver Enhancement Using ASTROS,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 37, No. 5, September 2000, pp. 865-871.
R. Jha and A. Chattopadhyay, “Multidisciplinary Optimization of Composite Wings Using Refined Structural and Aeroelastic Analysis Methodologies,” Engineering Optimization, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1999, pp. 59-78.
Recognition & Awards
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014
Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 2005
General Chair, AIAA/ASME Adaptive Structures Conference, 2014
Technical Chair, AIAA/ASME Adaptive Structures Conference, 2013
Summer Faculty Fellow, AFRL/ML, NDE Branch, Dayton, OH , 2007
Summer Faculty Fellow, AFRL/VS, Albuquerque, NM, 2006
Academic Editor, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Member - AIAA Adaptive Structures Technical Committee (2002-Present)
Teaching Excellence Recognition (2006, 2010), Clarkson University
John Graham Faculty Research Award 2005, Clarkson University
Dr. Jha Research Group has made significant contributions to several areas as follows:
- Wavelet spectral finite element (WSFE) model for studying guided wave propagation in anisotropic composite laminates. The WSFE formulation is based on the first-order shear deformation theory and yields accurate results for high frequency wave motion with excellent computational efficiency.
- Elastic wave propagation based structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques aimed at early detection of structural damages for enhanced safety and cost-efficient condition-based maintenance.
- Modified Time Reversal (MTR) of Lamb waves based novel technique developed in the frequency-time domain to detect damages in large structures even when the damage is superficial and the severity is relatively low.
- Advanced composites modeling using higher order laminate theory and extending the structural model to include smart piezoelectric actuators.
- Multidisciplinary design optimization procedure for smart composite wings considering aerodynamic, aeroelastic, and structural objectives.