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Michael King

Associate Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Contact Information
(321) 674-8636
Harris Center For Science and Engineering, 310

Personal Overview

Dr. Michael King joined Florida Institute of Technology’s Harris Institute for Assured Information as a Research Scientist in 2015 and holds a joint appointment as Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Sciences.

Prior to joining academia, Dr King served for more than 10 years as a scientific research/program management professional in the United States Intelligence Community. While in government, Dr King created, directed, and managed research portfolios covering a broad range of topics related to biometrics and identity to include: advanced exploitation algorithm development, advanced sensors and acquisition systems, and computational imaging. He crafted and led the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity’s (IARPA) Biometric Exploitation Science and Technology (BEST) Program to transition technology deliverables successfully to several Government organizations.

Recognized as an expert in biometrics and identity intelligence, he has been invited to brief the Director of National Intelligence, Congressional staffers and science advisers, Defense Science Board, and Intelligence Science Board. He also served as Intelligence Community Department Lead to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Biometrics and Identity Management (2005 – 2012).

Dr King received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2001 and has research interests in the areas of biometrics, cyber identity, and machine learning.


Educational Background

Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University,  2001

Professional Experience

2014-2015: Director of Applied Research and Innovation, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC., Directorate of Science and Technology/Office of Technical Services

2012-2013: Technical Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC., Directorate of Science and Technology/Office of Technical Services/Applied Research and Innovation

2012-2013: Program Manager, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC., Directorate of Science and Technology/Office of Technical Services/Applied Research and Innovation

2008-2012: Program Manager, ODNI Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, Washington, DC., Office of Smart Collection

2005 – 2007: Research Scientist, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC., Directorate of Science and Technology/Office of the Chief Scientist

2002 –2005: Technical Director, National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, Research Directorate/Human Interface Security

2001 –2002: Sr. Electronics Engineer, National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, Signals Intelligence Directorate/Emerging Technologies

2002 –2005: Adjunct Professor, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, Department of Computer Science (Courses taught: Intro/Advanced Network Communications; Computer Programming in C++)

1995 –1997: Software Engineer/Visualization Specialist, MCNC/North Carolina Supercomputing Center, RTP, NC

Current Courses

CYB 5677 - Biometric Authentication Technologies

CYB 5800 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Cyber Identity

Recognition & Awards

  • ODNI Service Award (2012)
  • Joint Duty Award (2010)
  • ODNI Certificate of Distinction (2009)
  • Intelligence Community Assignment Completion Award (2008)
  • NSA Service Award (2008)
  • Numerous letters/certificates of appreciation and recognition from DoD, the Executive Office of the President, IARPA, NSA, FBI, and ODNI.
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