Purohit, Hemant

Hemant Purohit
Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Program Chair | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Dr. Hemant Purohit is serving as an Assistant Professor and Program Chair (Electrical and Computer Engineering) at Florida Tech. Dr. Purohit’s research interests include Model-Based Engineering, Digital Engineering, Conceptual Modeling, and the optimization of resources using the Data Interleaving Technique and its extensions to ensure effective communication for resilient communication networks. Dr. Purohit brings over 19+ years of teaching experience, having taught students from diverse nationalities including India, East Africa, and the USA. Dr. Purohit is also an IEEE Senior Member and active member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Systems Council and IEEE Council on RFID. Dr. Purohit has been awarded Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching at Florida Tech (2024). At JIET Jodhpur, he was awarded the "Best Teacher" award three times in recognition of his excellence in teaching.
Educational Background
- PhD Candidate in Computer Science from Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida,USA.
- PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur, India, 2015.
- M.E. (Master of Engineering) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur, India, 2011.
- B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from IET Alwar (University of Rajasthan), India, 2003.
- Diploma (Polytechnic) in Electronics (Digital/Communication) Engineering, BTER (Board of Technical Education Rajasthan), Jodhpur, India, 2000.
Professional Experience
- Instructor (GSA) at Florida Institute of Technology (Spring 2023- Spring 2024)
- Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at JIET, Jodhpur, India (2015-2021)
- Visiting Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at ISBAT University, Kampala, Uganda (2019).
- Associate Professor & Head (EEE) at JIET-COE, Jodhpur, India (2010-2015)
- Associate Professor & Head (EEE) at VECG, Jodhpur, India (2010)
- Assistant Professor (ECE) at JIET,Jodhpur, India (2006-2008)
- Assistant Professor (ECE) at JECRC, Jodhpur, India (2003-2006)
Current Courses
- ECE 5238 Error Control Coding (Spring 2025)
- ECE 3551 Microcomputer Systems 1 (Spring 2025,Fall 2024)
- ECE 4333 Lightwave Laboratory (Fall 2024)
- ECE4342 Virtual Instrumentation Lab (Spring 2025)
- ECE 2112 Circuit Theory 2 (Spring 2025, Spring 2024)
- ECE 3552 Microcomputer Systems 1 (Spring 2024)
- CIS 5400 Data Analysis Methods (Spring 2024)
- ECE 2111 Circuit Theory 1 (Fall 2023)
Selected Publications
- Hemant Purohit & Siddhartha Nhattacharyya“MBSE for Contingency Planning for Cellular Networks with OPM," has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE UEMCON 2024, to be held at the IBM Watson Research Center, USA, from October 17-19, 2024.
- Hemant Purohit, Parneet Kaur and Shilpa Choudhary “Mitigating the effect of COVID lockdown period on Channel and Bandwidth Utilization in Mobile Communication Network in North Western Rajasthan (India)” Wireless Personal Communications, Manuscript J3 WPC 2021.
- Shilpa Choudhary, Abhishek Sharma, Shradha Gupta, Hemant Purohit, Smriti Sachan, “Use of RSM technology for the optimization of received signal strength for LTE signals under the influence of varying atmospheric conditions”, EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, 2020, Vol.7(Issue 4), pp. 500–509, September, 2020. (refereed international open access online journal)
- Shilpa Choudhary, Abhishek Sharma, Kashish Srivastava, Hemant Purohit, Mudita Vats, “Read Range Optimization of Low Frequency RFID System in Hostile Environmental Conditions by Using RSM Approach” , EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 07, Issue 03, pp396-403, September, 2020. (refereed international open access online journal)
- Shilpa Choudhary, Hemant Purohit et.al “Optimization for Read Range of Low Frequency RFID System” 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions (CISES), Greater Noida, India, Jul 21, 2023.
- Nandith Narayan, Hemant Purohit et.al “Assuring Learning-Enabled Increasingly Autonomous Systems” , 2023 IEEE International System Conference (SysCon), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 17-20 April 2023.
- Hemant Purohit, Parneet Kaur, Darlius Bosco Mwebesa, Shilpa Choudhary and Kanika Joshi , “Channel Redundancy Analysis and Bandwidth Utilization in GSM Mobile Communication Network of Uganda”, 10th IEEE Conference UEMCON 2019(Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Conference ) Columbia University, New York USA, 10-12 October 2019
- Shilpa Choudhary, Hemant Purohit, Amit Sehgal and Awanish Kaushik, “Performance Study of Detectability of RFID System with Varying Atmospheric Conditions”, 10th IEEE Conference UEMCON 2019 (Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Conference) Columbia University, New York USA, 10-12 October 2019
- Hemant Purohit, Dmitry Korzun, Anton Shabaev and Anatoly Voronin , “Data Interleaving for Congestion Reduction in Mobile Traffic Transmission”, 22nd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT Jyvaskyla, Finland, 16-18 May 2018
- Hemant Purohit, Parneet Kaur & Kanika Joshi, “Significance of DITMC Technique for Capacity Enhancement in GSM and CDMA Networks ,” 4th International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology (REDSET 2017) in association with Springer CCIS Services 425-433, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8527-7_35, GD Goenka University Noida , INDIA 13-14 October 2017.
- Parneet Kaur, V.S. Chouhan & Hemant Purohit , “MATLAB Based Encoder Designing of 5.90 kbps Narrow-band AMR codec", IC3TSN (International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation) 2017 Technically co-sponsored by IEEE (Record No: 41784) page no: 55-61, ISBN: 978-1-5386-0627-8, DOI: 10.1109/IC3TSN.2017.8284450 GD Goenka University Noida, INDIA 10-12 October 2017
- Swati Joshi, Hemant Purohit & Rita Choudhary, “A Simulation Based Comparison on Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) Coder at Different Bit Rates,” on May 26th -27th, 2017. ICRAC 2017, Springer Indexed International Conference on Recent Advancement on Computer & Communication Bhopal, MP, India. Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advancement on Computer and Communication, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 34, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8198-9_31, pp: 425-433.
- Swati Joshi & Hemant Purohit, “A Wideband speech coding Technique using two delay code excited Linear predictive algorithm (LD-CELP)”, (RICE 2017) held during 24-26 March 2017, at Institute of Technology, Gopeshwar, UK, India. ISSN 2300-5963, DOI: 10.15439/2017R03
- Hemant Purohit, “Optimizing Radiations of Mobile Communication through DITMC Technique”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Environmental Sciences and Engineering Technologies, November 21-22, 2016, organized by JIET in collaboration with Indian Chemical Society. ISBN No: 9788193357200
- Hemant Purohit & Kanika Joshi, “Simulation Based Comparative Study on Channel Utilization Enhancement using DITMC Technique in Speech and Data Communication of Mobile Network”, ICICM (The 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Management) 2016 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield (United Kingdom) 29-31 October 2016, page no: 201 – 204, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3495-6.
- Hemant Purohit & Kanika Joshi, “A Comparative Study of Channel Utilization Enhancement Techniques in Wired and Wireless Digital Speech Communication” International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Optimization Techniques ICEEOT -2016, DMI College of engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 3 - 5 March 2016, with IEEE catalog 978-1-4673-9939, page no:2202-2206.
- Hemant Purohit & Kanika Joshi, “Simulation Study of DITMC Technique for enhancing channel utilization in speech communication of mobile network”, European Modelling Symposium 2015 Madrid (Spain), 6-8 October 2015, Proceedings published by IEEE Conference Publication Services, ISBN 978-1-5090-0206-1, page number 133-136.