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Vivek Sharma

Assistant Professor | College of Aeronautics

Online Program Chair, College of Aeronautics

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Vivek Sharma is an Assistant Professor at the Florida Institute of Technology’s College of Aeronautics and is the chair for the online graduate programs. Dr. Sharma has a strong passion for teaching various graduate and undergraduate level courses such as aviation statistics, aviation research, human factors, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and safety.

Dr. Sharma graduated with a Ph.D. in Aviation Sciences with a concentration in Human Factors and Safety. Dr. Sharma  has experience conducting human factors, safety, AAM, UAM, and user experience (UX) research. Dr. Sharma also served as a lead data analyst on projects for the ATLAS Lab and the Federal Aviation Administration’s PEGASAS Center of Excellence. Dr. Sharma’s research within the College of Aeronautics focuses on aviation human factors and safety, including leading studies on Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drone operations, altitude compliance trends in UAS using FAA data, urban air mobility, pilot personality, UX research, and aviation data analytics.

Dr. Sharma is currently serving as a thesis committee chair, a member on two thesis committees, and a committee member for a dissertation. Dr. Sharma is also a member of FAA's Safety Team as a Service Provide, where Dr. Sharma volunteers to promote drone safety. 



Educational Background


Ph.D. Aviation Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, 2023

M.S. Applied Aviation Safety, Florida Institute of Technology, 2018

B. Tech. Aeronautical Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 2015


FAA Certified Part 107 Remote Pilot

Certified Tableau Desktop Specialist 

Certified Google Advanced Data Analyst

Professional Experience

COA Research Experience 

Analyzing Trends in UAS Accidents 

Human Factors Considerations in UAS BVLOS Operations

Building Prediction Models for Airport Operations  

Using Machine Learning Techniques for detecting Aviation Accidents

Analyzing Wildlife Strikes in the U.S.

Student pilots' Academic Workload and Willingness to Fly  

Research Experience at ATLAS Lab 

Measuring Trust in Human Automation Teaming 

Battery Display Design for eVTOL aircrafts

Training Implications for AAM/UAM Operatots 

Building Human Factors Considerations for Advanced Air Mobility

Flight Deck Usability for UAM/AAM cockpit 

Factors predicting Students pilots success 

Research Experience at FIT’s – FAA PEGASAS Center of Excellence 

Weather Information Representativeness Project 

Pilots Perspective on Avian Threat 

Current Courses

Aviation Statistics

Research & Statistics 1

Research & Statistics 2

Intro to Human Factors

Aviation Safety 

Aviation Research

Studies/Topics in Aviation Sciences (Tableau and Power BI)

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Shaun, K., Sharma V., Kashyap, G. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Airport Design and Operations on the Efficiency of Part 139 
Certificated Airports in the South and Southeast United States. Journal of Airline Operations and Aviation Management.

Sharma, V., Glick, K., Kim, Y., Carroll, M.C., Wheeler, B.E. (Accepted, 2024). Flight Lesson Cancellation Trends Based on Type: 
2010-2019. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, 
Hybrid Conference.

Hanrahan, D., Angelo, A.C., McFarland, J.S., Sharma, V. & Wheeler, B.E. (2024). Measuring Willingness to Fly Onboard Aircraft 
Equipped with Two Pilots, a Single Pilot, and a Single Pilot with Artificial Intelligence. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference.

Alharbi, M., Meechan, C., Sharma, V. & Wheeler, B.E. (2024). Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Wildlife strikes by damage category in the U.S. Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference.

Morales, V.E., Sanchez, J., Escalera, J., Wheeler, B.E., & Sharma, V. (2024). Artificial Intelligence & Aviation: Content Analysis of 
Research Publications from 2013-2023. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Human Factors & 
Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference.

Carmody K., Sharma, V., Addis, A., Nguyen, D., Ficke, C., Thayer, A., Wildman, J., Carroll., M. (Sep, 2024). Behave yourself! 
Behavioral indicators of trust dynamics in human agent teams. Paper accepted to the 2024 Human Factors and Ergonomics 
Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Splitt, M., Sharma, V., Caldwell, B., & Hought, N. (June, 2022). Weather Information Representativeness for Pilots in Low Altitude Operations. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Chaparro, M., Sharma, V., Ficke, C., Mehta, R., Wheeler, B., & Carroll, M. (January, 2023). Predicting Pilot-in-training Success in a Private Southeastern United States University. Collegiate Review Aviation International.

Chauhan, B., Namukasa, M., Sharma, V., Carmody, K.,& Carroll. M. (Accepted, May 2023). Key Constructs, Measures, and Considerations for Human Factors Researchers in the Advanced Air Mobility Domain. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Carmody, K., Sharma, V., Chauhan, B., Namukasa, M.,& Carroll. M. (Accepted, May 2023). Training Implications for Future Advanced Air Mobility Operations. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference.

Sharma, V., Carroll, M., & Mehta, R. (Under Review). Flight instructors safety behaviors at flight training schools: A theoretical model. Collegiate Review Aviation International.


Professional Conferences

Shaun, K., Sharma V., Kashyap, G., & (Accepted, 2025). Evaluating the Impact of Airport Design and Operations on the Efficiency 
of Part 139 Certificated Airports in the South and Southeast United States. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems 
Conference. Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid.

Kashyap, G., Sharma V., & Carmody, K. (Accepted, 2025). Trust in Automation: Examining the Relationship with Decision-making 
among Adult Drivers in the United States. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Human Factors & 
Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid.

Glick, K., Kim, Y., Carroll, M.C., Wheeler, B.E., & Sharma, V. (March, 2024). Flight Lesson Cancellation Trends Based on Type: 
2010-2019. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, 
Hybrid Conference.

Hanrahan, D., Angelo, A.C., McFarland, J.S., Sharma, V. & Wheeler, B.E. (March, 2024). Measuring Willingness to Fly Onboard 
Aircraft Equipped with Two Pilots, a Single Pilot, and a Single Pilot with Artificial Intelligence. Industry, Engineering, & 
Management Systems Conference. Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference.

Morales, V.E., Sanchez, J., Escalera, J., Wheeler, B.E., & Sharma, V. (March, 2024). Artificial Intelligence & Aviation: Content 
Analysis of Research Publications from 2013-2023. Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference. Human 
Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference.

Carmody K., Sharma, V., Addis, A., Nguyen, D., Ficke, C., Thayer, A., Wildman, J., Carroll., M. (Sep, 2024). Behave yourself! 
Behavioral indicators of trust dynamics in human agent teams. Paper accepted to the 2024 Human Factors and Ergonomics 
Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Addis, A., Carmody, K., Thayer, A., Sharma, V., Nguyen, D., Akib, M., Wildman, J., Carroll, M. (2024, April). Trust in 
heterogeneous human-agent teams: Applying multilevel and unobtrusive approaches. In Orvis, K. (Chair). (2024). Research 
Incubator: Unobtrusive Measure Development. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference
Chicago, IL, United States.

Sharma, V., Carroll, M., Mehta, R., Gallo, M., & Wildman, J. (May, 2023). Examining the effects of Big Five factors, affective  domain, and organizations safety climate on safety behaviors of flight instructors in the United States. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology

Chauhan, B., Namukasa, M., Carmody, K., Sharma, V., Berkel, G., & Carroll. M. (June, 2023). Guidelines for Information Display 
and Characteristics for eVTOL Pilot Interfaces. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. 

Sharma, V., Carroll, M., & Mehta, R. (September, 2023). Trends in personality traits of Flight instructors: Analyzing impact on Self-efficacy and risk perception. University Aviation Association. 

Chauhan, B., Namukasa, M., Sharma, V., Carmody, K., & Carroll. M. (October, 2023). Key Constructs, Measures, and Considerations for Human Factors Researchers in the Advanced Air Mobility Domain. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Carmody, K., Sharma, V., Chauhan, B., Namukasa, M., & Carroll. M. (November, 2023). Training Implications for Future 
Advanced Air Mobility Operations. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference.

Splitt, M., Sharma, V., Caldwell, B., & Hought, N. (July, 2022). Weather Information Representativeness for Pre-flight and En-route 
Advisories for Pilots in Low Altitude Operations. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic (Presentation).

Sharma, V., & Carroll, M. (2022). CFIs safety behaviors at flight training schools: Understanding the effects of personality, self
efficacy, risk perception, and safety climate. National Training for Aviation Symposium

Chaparro, M., Sharma, V., Mehta, R; Wheeler, B; & Carroll, M. (Dec, 2021). Predicting Pilot-in-training Success in a Private South
Eastern United States University. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology



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