Sohn, Youngju

Youngju Sohn
Associate Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication
Contact Information
Educational Background
Ph.D. The University of Georgia
M.A. Florida State University
B.A. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Professional Experience
Prior to her graduate degree, Dr. Sohn worked as Associate Editor for a business monthly published in Korea. Her interviewees include the former President and Novel Prize Laureate Kim, Dae-Jung, Vice Prime Minister Han, Seung-Soo, and many industrial and economic ministers, as well as CEOs and executives of Korean and multinational companies. Before pursuing a journalism career, she worked as an event planner and business consultant. Her past clients include multinational companies such as Goodyear Tires and Lipton.
Current Courses
COM 2501 Intro to Visual Communication
COM 2503 Photojournalism
COM 2504 Digital Graphic Design
COM 3085 Special topic: Risk/Crisis communication
COM 4430 Research Methods
COM 4440 Strategic Communication
COM 5140 Research Methods (grad)
COM 5110 Strategic Communication (grad)
COM 5225 Issues in Tech/Visual Communication (grad)
COM 5420 Special topic: Risk/Crisis communication (grad)
Selected Publications
Sohn, Y. (2021). Four pillars of Luhmann’s analytical apparatus: Applications for communication research. Studies in Communication Sciences, 1-18. DOI: 10.24434/j.scoms.2021.02.002
Sohn, Y. (2020). 40 years of Luhmann's legacy in the Anglophone academic
community: A quantitative content analysis of Luhmannian research, International Review of
Sociology, 30(3), 469-495. DOI: 10.1080/03906701.2020.1853005
Sohn, Y. & Edwards, H. H. (2018). Strategic Ambiguity and Crisis Apologia: The Impact of Audiences' Interpretations of Mixed Messages. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12(5), 552-570, DOI: 10.1080/1553118X.2018.1512111
Sohn, Y. & Lariscy, R. A. (2015). A “Buffer” or “Boomerang”? — The Role of Corporate Reputation in Bad Times. Communication Research, 42(2):237-259.
Sohn, Y. J., & Lariscy, R. W. (2014). Understanding Reputational Crisis: Definition, Properties, and Consequences. Journal of Public Relations Research, 26(1), 23-43.
Sohn, Y. & Lariscy, R. A. (2012). Resource-based crisis management: The important role of the CEO’s reputation. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24(4), 318-337.
Sohn, Y. (2010). Toward Building the Relationships-Reputation Integrated Model. International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 2(2), 19-34.
Lariscy, R.A., Avery, E.J., & Sohn, Y. (2010). Health Journalists and Three Levels of Public Information: Issue and Agenda Disparities? Journal of Public Relations Research, 22(2), 113-135.
Sohn, Y., Lariscy, R. A. & Tinkham, S.F. (2009). Negative news and financial decisions: The impact of CEO reputation. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 3, 1-18.
Avery, E.J., Lariscy, R.A., & Sohn, Y.J. (2009). Public Information Officers and Journalists Perceived Barriers to Providing Excellent Health Information. Health Communication, 24, 327-336.
Avery, E.J., Lariscy, R.A., & Sohn, Y. (2007). Public Relations Practitioners Relationships with Media and Each Other as Moderators of Excellent Health Information and the Local Public Health Agenda. Public Relations Journal, 1, 1-21
Sohn, Y. & Lariscy, R. A. (2015). Competent or ethical? – Impact on corporate reputation of CEO characteristics. In M. Fetschering, CEO Branding: Theory and Practice. NY: Routledge. pp. 155-176.
Sohn Y. & Edwards, H. (2015). The impact of audience' interpretations of mixed messages of crisis apologia. Presented to the Public Relations Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Puerto Rico, May.
Sohn Y. (2009). Towards building the relationships-reputation integrated model. Presented to the Public Relations Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, May.
Sohn, Y., Lariscy, R. A. & Tinkham, S.F. (2008). Negative news and financial decisions: The impact of CEO reputation. Presented to the Public Relations Division at the annual meeting of National Communication Association, San Diego, November
Sohn, Y. & Lariscy, R.A. (2008). Searching for effective crisis response strategies: An empirical approach. Presented to the Public Relations Division at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, August.
Avery, E.J., Lariscy, R.A., & Sohn, Y.J. (2007). Time to Warn the Surgeon General?: Public Information Officers' and Journalists' Perceived Barriers to Providing Excellent Health Information. Presented to the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, November.
Lariscy, R.A., Avery, E.J., & Sohn, Y. (2007). Relationships Between Public Information Officers and Health Journalists and Barriers to Excellent Health Stories. Presented to the Tenth Annual International Public Relations Conference, Miami, FL, March. TOP THREE PAPER.
Sohn, Y. (2006). "Who leads opinions in online communities?" Presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association Conference, San Antonio, November.
Sohn, Y. (2006). "Opinion leadership and seeking behaviors in the online and offline environments: Centered on Korean digital camera brand communities" Presented to the Consumer Behavior Division at the annual meeting of America Marketing Association Summer Educator's Conference, Chicago, August.
Sohn, Y. (2006). "Internet and uses and gratifications research: Opportunities, challenges and new research agendas" Presented to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, August. TOP THREE STUDENT PAPER.
Sohn, Y. (2006). "Untangling knots: An alternative approach to hybrid corporate speech" Presented to the Advertising Division at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, August.
Sohn, Y., Song, Y., & Lee, J. (2005). "Internet dependency and community ties: Centered on media dependency pattern of Korean students in the U.S. and its impacts" Presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association Conference, Boston, November.
She is most interested in the development of corporate communication strategies to manage a strong and coherent corporate reputation, as well as the organization-public relationship, especially in a crisis situation. Her most current research is devoted to exploring the nature of corporate reputation and potential threat to it, as well as potential strategic resources that a firm can utilize in a crisis situation.
Research & Project Interests
- Corporate reputation
- Crisis communication
- Corporate social responsibility
- Organization-public relationship
- Persuasion / Consumer behavior
- Research Methods / Statistics