Thayer, Amanda

Amanda L. Thayer
Associate Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Psychology
Director of Growth and Development & Portfolio Manager for Teams Research | Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Dr. Amanda L. Thayer is an Associate Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Florida Tech, as well as the Director of Growth and Development and Portfolio Manager for Teams Research at Florida Tech’s Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management (ICCM). She has also served as Secretary for the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup), Chair of the Scientific Affairs Committee for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), a Consortium Senior Research Fellow for the U.S. Army Research Institute, and on the Editorial Boards for the Journal of Business and Psychology and Group & Organization Management. Dr. Thayer completed her doctorate at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in 2015. Her research on teams and collaboration has produced more than 100 publications, invited talks, and national and international conference presentations, including outlets such as American Psychologist, Human Resource Management Review, and Organizational Psychology Review, among others. Dr. Thayer’s current research is focused on team selection, staffing, and composition; trust violation and repair; team cohesion, adaptation, and resilience; and measurement and methodologies for studying interpersonal relationships and team- and system-level dynamics. Her research spans across a variety of contexts, including military units, NASA crews, volunteer non-profit teams, human-agent teams, and virtual teams, among others. To date, she has secured over $7 million in external funding from partners such as the U.S. Army Research Institute (ARI), NASA, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Her current funded research efforts include a large cooperative agreement with ARI aimed at developing a novel experimental paradigm and unobtrusive measurement toolkit for assessing teamwork and team performance, as well as an interdisciplinary effort funded by AFOSR to investigate trust violation and repair in human-agent teams.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of Central Florida, 2015
- B.A., Psychology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 2005
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor | Industrial/Organizational Psychology | Florida Institute of Technology (2023-present)
- Director of Growth and Development | Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management | Florida Institute of Technology (2020-present)
- Portfolio Manager for Teams Research | Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management | Florida Institute of Technology (2020-present)
- Assistant Professor | Industrial/Organizational Psychology | Florida Institute of Technology (2020-2023)
- Assistant Professor | Industrial/Organizational Psychology | The University of Akron (2015-2020)
- Graduate Research Associate | Institute for Simulation and Training | University of Central Florida (2010-2015)
- Instructor | School of Psychology | Florida Institute of Technology (2014)
- Instructor | Department of Psychology | University of Central Florida (2013)
Current Courses
- Organizational Psychology (MS, PhD)
- Groups & Teams (MS, PhD)
- Attitudes & Values (MS, PhD)
- Group Behavior (Undergraduate)
- Social Psychology (Undergraduate)
- Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate)
Past Courses:
- Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Undergraduate)
Selected Publications
Wildman, J. L., Thayer, A. L., Warren, C., Fiore, S., & Salas, E. (2025). Interpersonal trust and distrust at work: Scale validation and theoretical exploration. Applied Psychology, 74, 1-45. https://doi.org/10.1111/apps.12588
*Carmody K., Sharma, V., *Addis, A., Nguyen, D., *Ficke, C., Thayer, A. L., Wildman, J., & Carroll., M. (2024). Behave Yourself! behavioral indicators of trust dynamics in human agent teams. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1177/10711813241276485
Wildman, J. L., *Nguyen, D., Thayer, A. L., Robbins-Roth, V., Carroll, M., *Carmody, K., *Ficke, C., *Akib, M., & *Addis, A. (2024). Trust in human-agent teams: A multilevel perspective and future research agenda. Organizational Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/20413866241253278
*Ficke, C., *Addis, A., *Nguyen, D., *Carmody, K., Thayer, A. L., Wildman, J. L., Carroll, M. (2023). Measuring trust in a simulated human agent team task. In J. Wright & D. Barber (Eds.). Human Factors and Simulation. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access. (Vol. 83, pp. 36-45). AHFE International, USA. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003560
Bessey, A., McCormack, R., Orvis, K., Shuffler, M., Brown, T., Carter, D., Thayer, A., & Salas, E. (2023, December). Unobtrusive measures and understanding team processes. I/ITSEC 2023 Conference Proceedings.
*Ficke, C., *Carmody, K., *Nguyen, D., *Piasecki, I., *Addis, A., *Akib, M., Thayer, A. L., Wildman, J. L., Carroll, M. (2022). Improving measurement of trust dynamics in human-agent teams. I/ITSEC 2022 Conference Proceedings.
Rebensky, S., *Carmody, K., *Ficke, C., *Nguyen, D., Carroll, M., Wildman, J., & Thayer, A. (2021). Whoops! Something went wrong: Errors, trust, and trust repair strategies in human agent teaming. In H. Degen & S. Ntoa (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence in HCI. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77772-2_7
*Smith, J.G., *Flynn, M.L., Shuffler, M.L., Carter, D.R., & Thayer, A.L. (2020). Meetings as a facilitator of multiteam system functioning. In J. Allen, A. Meinecke, & N. Lehmann-Willenbrock (Eds), Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Managing Meetings in Organizations (Vol. 20). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1534-085620200000020017
Diefendorff, J. M., Thayer, A. L., *Sodhi, K., & *Magill, D (2020). Dynamic emotional labor: A review and extension to teams. In L. Yang, R. Cropanzano, C. S. Daus, & V. Martinez-Tur (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of workplace affect (pp. 310-322). Cambridge University Press. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1017/9781108573887.024
Hacker, J., Johnson, M., Saunders, C., & Thayer, A. L. (2019). Trust in virtual teams: A multidisciplinary review and integration. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v23i0.1757
*McClurg, C. E., *Chen, J. L., *Petruzzelli, A., & Thayer, A. L. (2018). Challenges and new directions in examining team cohesion over time. In E. Salas, W. B. Vessey, and L. B. Landon (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Team Dynamics Over Time (Vol. 18, pp. 261-186). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1534-085620160000018011
Thayer, A. L., *Petruzzelli, A., & *McClurg, C. E. (2018). Addressing the paradox of the team innovation process: A review and practical considerations. American Psychologist, 73, 363-375. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000310
Shuffler, M. L., *Kramer, W. S., Carter, D., Thayer, A. L., & Rosen, M. (2018). Leveraging a team-centric approach to diagnosing multiteam system functioning: The role of intrateam state profiles. Human Resource Management Review, 4, 361-377. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2017.08.003
Salas, E., Shuffler, M. L., Thayer, A. L., Bedwell, W. L., & Lazzara, E. H. (2015). Understanding and diagnosing teamwork in organizations: A scientifically based practical guide. Human Resource Management, 54, 599-622. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.21628
Grossman, R., Thayer, A. L., Shuffler, M. L., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. (2015). Critical social thinking: A conceptual model and insights for training. Organizational Psychology Review, 5, 99-125. https://doi.org/10.1177/2041386614535423
Miloslavic, S., Wildman, J. L., & Thayer, A. L. (2015). Structuring successful global virtual teams. In J. L. Wildman & R. L. Griffith (Eds.). Leading global teams: Translating the multidisciplinary science to practice (pp. 67-87). New York, NY: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-2050-1_4
Thayer, A. L., Rico, R., Salas, E., & *Marlow, S. L. (2013). Teams at work. In M. C. W. Peeters, J. de Jonge, & T. W. Taris (Eds.), An introduction to contemporary work psychology (pp. 434-457). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394259564.ch18
Kramer, W. S., Thayer, A. L., & Salas, E. (2013). Goal setting in teams. In E. Locke & G. Latham (Eds.), New developments in goal setting and task performance (pp. 287-310). New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203082744
Wildman, J. L., Thayer, A. L., Rosen, M. A., Salas, E., Mathieu, J. E., & Rayne, S. R. (2012). Task types and team-level attributes: Synthesis of team classification literature. Human Resource Development Review, 11, 97-129. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534484311417561
Wildman, J. L., Thayer, A.L., Pavlas, D., Salas, E., Stewart, J. E., & Howse, W. (2012). Team knowledge research: Emerging trends and critical needs. Human Factors, 54, 84-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018720811425365
Thayer, A. L., Wildman, J. L., & Salas, E. (2011). I-O psychology: We have the evidence; We just don’t use it (or care to). Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4, 32-35. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1754-9434.2010.01290.x
*Denotes graduate or undergraduate student at time of collaboration.
Funded Projects
- Co-Principal Investigator -- Cooperative Agreement, Next Generation Teams and Organizational Subsystems Research (Cooperative Agreement #W911NF-19-2-0173, 9/27/19-8/31/24, $5,993,790). U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI). Salas, E. (PI), Thayer, A. L. (Co-PI), Carter, D. R. (Co-I), Shuffler, M. L. (Co-I), Tannenbaum, S. I. (Co-I), & Orvis, K. (Co-I). Objective: to lay the groundwork for the next generation of teams research by (1) designing, developing, and validating a core experimental paradigm and measurement and analysis data collection toolkit and (2) laying the foundations for the future of research on team selection, staffing, and composition decisions, accounting for multiple staffing scenarios and operational requirements.
- Co-Principal Investigator -- Trust Calibration in Heterogeneous, Human-Agent Teams: Applying Multilevel, Dynamic, and Unobtrusive Perspectives (8/1/21-7/31/24, $644,246.58). Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Carroll, M. (Co-PI), Wildman, J. L. (Co-PI), & Thayer, A. L. (Co-PI). Objectives: Leverage findings from human-human teams research and unobtrusive measurement of trust in human-agent teams to address the question "What are the multilevel, dynamic implications of trust violation/repair events within complex, distributed, heterogeneous human-agent teams?" via the following activities: (1) Conceptualize Theoretical Multilevel Framework of Trust Dynamics in Human-Agent Teams (Year 1), (2) Conduct Experiments Focused on Trust Violation within the Multilevel Framework of Trust Dynamics in Human-Agent Teams (Year 2), (3) Conduct Experiments Focused on Trust Repair within the Multilevel Framework of Trust Dynamics in Human-Agent Teams (Year 3)
- Co-Principal Investigator -- (DURIP) Physiological Sensor Suites to Assess Trust Dynamics in Heterogeneous Human-Agent Teams (Grant #FA9550-24-1-0037, 2/1/24-1/31/25, $86,315). U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Carroll, M. (Co-PI), Wildman, J. L. (Co-PI), & Thayer, A. L. (Co-PI).
Other Current Research
- Laboratory study investigating virtual work teams.
- Various manuscripts focused on trust violation and repair, cohesion, team composition, measurement, and research methodologies.