Keuper Statue

Cavallucci-Strouse Family Endowment for Ethics and Leadership

Type: General Endowment
Year: 2014


Support the Bisk College of Business Center for Ethics and Leadership. (GF000183)


Funds will exist in perpetuity with annual earnings made available to assist the Bisk College of Business Center for Ethics and Leadership in hosting the Ethics and Leadership Breakfast events. The remaining funds will be used to support expenses associated with student participation in intercollegiate business competitions with a preference given to competitions focused on Ethics and Leadership.


Eugene S. (Gene) Cavallucci earned his bachelor’s degree from Penn State University, his Juris Doctorate degree from Penn State’s Dickinson School of Law, and his Master of Laws degree in government procurement law from the George Washington University Law Center.

He served for seven years in the U.S. Army Force, where he was Chief of Contracts and Patents at the Eastern Space and Missile Center, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, during his last assignment. Later, he became a partner in the law firm of Nabors, Potter, McClelland, Griffith, and Jones, P.A for a few years, and then started working at DBA Systems, Inc., where he was Vice President, Corporate Secretary, and General Counsel. In 1990, Mr. Cavallucci joined Harris Corporation where he served as Vice President and Legal Counsel of Harris’ federal government, aerospace and defense business units; as Director of Business Conduct; and as General Counsel. In 2010, he retired after 20 years of service to this Fortune 500 public company.

Mr. Cavallucci was also an adjunct professor at Florida Tech. He taught graduate courses in government contract administration and contract negotiations. He is a member of the board of overseers of Bisk College of Business and serves on the executive committee of the Bisk College of Business Center for Ethics and Leadership.

Moreover, Mr. Cavallucci has been a member of the NCMA, National Contract Management Association, since 1978, and was elected an NCMA fellow in 1992. He has served on the legal committee of the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and was chair of the government contracts council of the Manufacturer’s Alliance.
