Ruth Funk Museum Endowment Fund
Protect and support the University's ability to enhance the academic experience for all Florida Tech students by providing opportunities to interact with art. (GF000159)Description
Funds from this endowment are used to support the Funk Museum at Florida Tech and to help ensure continued operations as an integral part of the education of students.
Ruth E. Funk through her world travels has created a museum for Florida Tech. It brings the campus and the surrounding area a variety of textiles and jewelry enriched in cultures. These cultures include Africa, Japan, India, Central Asia, European, and North America.
Funk grew an interest in sharing her knowledge and collection for the school ever since 2003 during an exhibition and gala event hosted by the school. Since then she and the President, at the time, Dr. Anthony J. Catanese worked together to bring the school an assortment of programs teaching about culture and textiles from those areas.
Even though Ruth Funk died in 2017 at the age of 91, her legacy and contribution to art live on.