Indian River Lagoon Sunset

Muck Dredging Research Final Reports

Florida Tech EMD Year 1 peer-reviewed final research reports are found in: (All Year 1 results are in ONE Report)

Impacts of environmental muck dredging 2014‒2015. Final Project Report to Brevard County Natural Resources Management Dept., J.G. Windsor, Jr. (Ed.), July 2016

EMD Year 1 Impacts of Environmental Muck Dredging 2014-15

Florida Tech EMD Year 2 peer-reviewed final research reports are found in:

  1. Muck Dredging Research Project Management (Subtask 1), John Windsor, June 2019
  2. Biological Responses to Muck Dredging in the Indian River Lagoon, Part I.  Seagrass Monitoring and Infaunal Surveys (Subtask 2), Kevin Johnson, September 2017
  3. Biological Responses to Muck Dredging in the Indian River Lagoon, Part II: Fish Populations and Sea Grass Restoration (Subtask 3), Jonathan Shenker, March 2018
  4. Determining the Effectiveness of Muck Removal on Sediment and Water Quality in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (Subtask 4A), Austin L. Fox, John H. Trefry, Robert P. Trocine, Stacey L. Fox, Jessica E. Voelker, December 2017
  5. Inputs of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Major Tributaries to the Indian River Lagoon (Subtask 4B), John H. Trefry, Austin L. Fox, Robert P. Trocine, Stacey L. Fox, Jessica E. Voelker, Katherine M. Beckett, October 2017
  6. Hydrologic and Water Quality Model for Management and Forecasting within Brevard County Waters (Subtask 5), Gary Zarillo, April 2018
  7. Moving Muck & Fluidized Mud & Tributary Bedload Measurements at Dredge Sites (Subtask 6), Charles Bostater, May 2018
  8. Wind and microclimate analysis for application to fetch-limited wind wave growth analysis at IRL dredging locations (Subtask 7), Steven Lazarus, November 2017
  9. Feasibility of muck removal at fixed locations in the IRL watershed and subsequent ferrate treatment to remove nutrients and contaminants (Subtask 8), Robert J. Weaver and Thomas D. Waite, January 2018
  10. Source to Slime Study in Indian River Lagoon (Subtask 9), Leesa Souto, May 2019

Florida Tech EMD Year 3 peer-reviewed final research reports are found in: