Campus Building Closeup

Branded URLs

Need a web address?

Long, complicated and abstract web addresses are difficult to share, both verbally and in print. To make it easier for faculty and staff, Marketing and Communications provides custom branded URLs for use on:

  • Advertisements
  • Brochures
  • Business cards
  • Displays
  • Flyers
  • Signs

Custom Branded URLs

Substitute for the in any primary (www) domain address and the URL will still work. As long as the characters following the forward slash (/) are a precise match, you will get to the correct page. This won't make your URL any shorter, but it does allow you to use the preferred university nomenclature, "Florida Tech," as part of your URL.

Web Services has already created a number of these URLs for different offices and purposes. For shorter, more precise, or easier to remember URLs, choose from the following list or request a new custom branded URL.
Alan Smith Lecture Series /alansmithlecture
Behavior Analysis /behavioranalysis
Business Applied Symposium /business-applied
Center for Innovation Management and Business Analytics /cimba
Chemistry /chemistry
Clinical Psychology /clinical
College of Business, Nathan M. Bisk /business
College of Engineering and Sciences /coes
College of Psychology and Liberal Arts /copla
Communication /com
Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences /apss
Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences /bces
Department of Computer Engineering and Sciences /ces
Department of Mathematical Sciences /math
Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering /mce
Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences /oems
Education Centers /edcenters
Evening of Hope /hope
Financial Aid /aid
First Year Experience /fye
Florida Tech 60th Anniversary /60
Humanities /hum
Industrial/Organizational Psychology /io
International Festival /international-fest
Marketing and Communications Toolbox /toolbox
Music /music
Music Program /music
Payment Plan /paymentplan
Psychology /psych
Public Science Lecture Series /psls
ROTC /rotc
School of Arts and Communication /sac
School of Psychology /psychology
Summer Camps /camps
Visit Florida Tech /visit
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