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Please Note

Policy will not go into effect until September 2nd, 2024

Motorized Micromobility Transportation Device Policy

Applies to:

Original Policy Date:

Date of Last Review:

Approved By:

(Students, employees, contractors, consultants, vendors, and guests)

July 2024

July 2024

John Nicklow

Policy Purpose

The policy outlines the Florida Institute of Technology (hereafter “University”) expectations of all community members and guests when operating a motorized micromobility transportation device (hereafter “MMTD”) on University property.

Policy Scope

This policy addresses the use of non-licensed MMTDs as herein defined on campus (licensed vehicle regulations are provided through the Parking and Traffic Regulations). It applies to all members of the University community, including but not limited to administrators, staff, faculty, students, contractors, vendors, guests, and visitors.

Policy Statement

To promote safety at the Florida Institute of Technology, the University reserves the right to regulate the use of MMTDs on University property. Regulations apply to the presence and operation of such MMTDs on University property in accordance with this policy where they must be stored and operated safely and courteously to minimize injury to persons or damage to university property. Exceptions to this policy are provided for an assistance device utilized by an individual with a disability and any utility equipment used by authorized University employees or approved vendors. Where state and local property intersects University property, those are applicable. However, improper operation in violation of law may also be addressed under other University policies (e.g., the Student Code of Conduct).

Policy Owner:

Student Affairs and Department of Security


Contractor – Third-party individual or company hired by the university to perform specific tasks or provide services within the university’s facilities or grounds.

Employees - any individual employed by the University including administrators, faculty, and staff.

Guests/Visitors – any person who is present on University property, visiting for any period of time, and does not have a contractual agreement with the university.

Incident – refers to any act, event, or occurrence.

Motorized Micromobility Transportation Device (MMTD): a motorized (e.g., electric) wheeled transportation device that can be operated with or without direct human propulsion efforts including but not limited to bicycles, scooters, skateboards, Segways, etc. MMTDs do not include licensed motor vehicles (addressed under the Parking and Traffic Regulations) nor do they include self-balancing electric wheeled boards which are prohibited on University property. Exceptions to this definition include any assistance device utilized by an individual with a disability and any utility equipment used by authorized University employees or approved vendors.

Right of Way –the right of a person (who may be on foot) to keep traveling lawfully and without interruption, in reference to another approaching from a different direction into the person’s path or when proceeding in the same direction when a person is impeded or threatened with contact due to the action of another to merge or otherwise impact a person.

Self-balancing electric wheeled board – a single-person electric vehicle compromising a one or two-wheeled platform on which the rider stands. These devices use a self-balancing gyroscopic system for steering or changing direction depending on which way the rider leans.

Student – any individual admitted, enrolled, or registered for study at Florida Tech. Participants in resident non-student, camp, high school bridge/ extension/partner/dual-enrollment, and continuing education programs operating on University property under a contractual relationship with University are also included in this definition.

University – the Florida Institute of Technology or Florida Tech.

Vendor – An individual or business entity that provides goods or services to the university or its community members.

UL-approved/UL-listed – certification provided to devices by Underwriters Laboratories indicating that it has met the design and operational standards for quality, safety, and security.



When operating a MMTD on University property, you must obey the following procedures:

  • All MMTDs must be registered with the Department of Security prior to use on campus.
  • MMTDs must be certified as approved by Underwriters Laboratories (hereafter “UL”) to receive a registration decal denoting that they are permitted in University facilities in accordance with the regulations herein regarding the possession and operation of such registered MMTDs.
  • MMTDs that are not UL-approved will NOT receive a registration decal and may not be present on University Property.
  • Operators must ride in the direction/flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  • Operators must dismount their MMTDs in heavily congested pedestrian areas, crosswalks, and high-traffic areas.
  • Operators must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians; and slowdown and/or dismount as necessary to avoid startling or injuring others. Operating a MMTD in a manner that does not allow the operator to identify and avoid pedestrians or impedes the ability of pedestrians to identify and avoid contact is prohibited (e.g., riding near corner of building at such speed that a pedestrian stepping around the corner is startled or impacted).
  • Operators should use a white front light and a red rear reflector at night and when heavy rain/weather prohibits good visibility.
  • MMTD operators shall not wear headsets, headphones, or other listening devices other than a hearing aid. The ability to hear all environmental cues is essential in operating MMTDs.
  • The use of handheld devices such as cellular phones is prohibited while operating an MMTD.
  • Racing, stunting, trick riding, or towing (allowing another person to be pulled along [e.g., via another MMTD or standard roller/inline skates, skateboards, bicycles, etc.]) are prohibited.
  • Operators are prohibited from operating MMTDs inside any University buildings (including any residential facility).

Charging a Device

As noted above, an MMTDs that is either not registered or is not displaying a registration decal that denotes that it is UL-listed may not be present in any University facility due to fire and electrical safety hazards. MMTDs being charged must comply with the expectations herein regarding parking and storage.

Parking and Storage

Outside of Facilities - MMTDs are prohibited from being parked in/on sidewalks, parking spaces, pathways, ramps, stairs, or anywhere that could obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic or access for those with a disability. Devices may not block entries to buildings or walkways or impede emergency access to or from a building or area (pull stations, stair railings, building columns, light poles, benches, trashcans). Any

Inside of Facilities – MMTDs that are properly registered and displaying registration decals denoting that they are UL-listed may be in the possession of the operator in a University facility. They may only be present in a space assigned to an individual (e.g., an office or a residential living unit). Such MMTDs may not be present in classrooms, labs, lounges, or unaccompanied in any hallway, etc. due to fire egress regulations, trip and fall hazards, etc.


Operators of MMTDs assume all risks associated with their use (including injury to self or others, any damage done by MMTDs to facilities, electrical systems, or other property of the University or others).

The owner of the MMTD is responsible for the care and protection of the device and the University shall not be liable for any loss including damage or theft.

The University is not liable for injuries or damages that occur as a result of using, owning, operating, or charging a MMTD on University property and it is recommended that owners and operators have sufficient injury and personal liability insurance in the event of an incident.


  • Operators not following the policy outlined herein are subject to citations, fines, or trespass warnings issued through/by Campus Security personnel (as well as engaging law enforcement to effect removal from property as determined appropriate).
  • In the case of egregious violations, repetitive non-compliance, or behavior which could amount to other violations of university policies/procedures, an incident report will be sent to the appropriate department (Human Resources for employees or the Office of Student Conduct for students) for evaluation as to whether additional accountability and sanctions (from warning through separation from the University as appropriate) should be considered by/addressed under the appropriate resolution process.
  • A guest who refuses to cooperate or comply with University personnel acting in the proper execution of their role (e.g., security personnel, residential staff, dean of students, etc.) in enforcing University policies may be instructed to leave our campus or provided a formal trespass warning or be removed by law enforcement via security personnel as deemed appropriate.


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