Keuper Building on a sunny day.
Dr. Brian Lail
Professor & Department Head of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Dr. Carlos Otero
Professor & Program Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Khaled Slhoub
Associate Professor & Program Chair of Computer Information Systems and Human Centered Design
Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Associate Professor & Program Chair of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Dr. Terrence O'Connor
Assistant Professor & Program Chair of Cybersecurity

Undergraduate Programs

NameDegree AwardedLocationModalityCollegeRequired CreditsProgram Chair
Computer Engineering B.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 132 Dr. Carlos Otero
Computer Information Systems A.S. FL Tech Online Online (A) COES-CES 61 Dr. Khaled Slhoub
Computer Information Systems B.S. FL Tech Online Online (A) COES-CES 124 Dr. Khaled Slhoub
Computer Science B.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 127 Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Electrical Engineering B.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 130 Dr. Carlos Otero
Software Engineering B.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 127 Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

 Graduate Programs

NameDegree AwardedLocationModalityCollegeRequired CreditsProgram Chair
Computer Engineering M.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 30 Dr. Carlos Otero
Computer Engineering Ph.D. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 48 Dr. Carlos Otero
Computer Information Systems M.S. Main Campus, Virtual Face to Face, Online (S) COES-CES 30 Dr. Khaled Slhoub
Computer Science M.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 30 Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Computer Science Ph.D. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 72* Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Electrical Engineering M.S. Main Campus, Off-Site Location Face to Face COES-CES 30 Dr. Carlos Otero
Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Main Campus, Off-Site Location Face to Face COES-CES 48 Dr. Carlos Otero
Human-Centered Design M.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 30 Dr. Khaled Slhoub
Human-Centered Design Ph.D. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 42-48 Dr. Khaled Slhoub
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity M.S. Main Campus Face to Face, Online COES-CES 30 Dr. Terrence O'Connor
Software Engineering M.S. Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 30 Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

 *Beyond the bachelor's degree; other programs show total required beyond the master's degree

Graduate Certificate Programs

NameDegree AwardedLocationModalityCollegeRequired CreditsProgram Chair
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Grad Certificate Main Campus Face to Face COES-CES 12 Dr. Terrence O'Connor
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