Academic Program Assessment Committee (APAC)
Committee Charge
The Academic Program Assessment Committee (APAC) is responsible for making recommendations to the Provost to maintain a robust culture of assessment at the university. The committee reviews the quality of assessment plans submitted by academic units within colleges, encourages assessment to be used to improve student learning, and regularly reports to the Provost the status of the academic assessment processes at the institution. Committee members are liaisons to their college on academic assessment matters.
Specifically, this committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Provost regarding
- actions to maintain a robust academic assessment process at the university,
- ways to assist academic units with assessment of student learning and development - the committee reviews the quality of and provides feedback on assessment plans, reports and processes, and the use of assessment results for the improvement of student learning,
- educational and training needs related to academic assessment,
- actions that are critical for sustaining the assessment process and promoting the culture of assessment at the university.
Committee Membership
The voting membership of APAC is comprised of representatives from the university’s colleges as described below:
- College of Aeronautics (COA) : 2 representatives
- Nathan M. Bisk College of Business (COB) : 2 representatives
- College of Engineering and Science (COES): 4 representatives
- College of Psychology and Liberal Arts (COPLA): 2 representatives
- Evans Library: 1 representative
- General Education/University Core: 3 representatives
- One member representing Liberal Arts
- One member representing Mathematics
- One member representing Sciences
Faculty members are nominated by their respective Dean to the Provost for a committee service term of one year, renewable for a second year. Nominated faculty members must be full-time faculty members in the college. Faculty may serve for up to two consecutive years. After two consecutive years the Dean must nominate a new faculty member. A faculty member may be re-nominated to serve on the committee following a one-year hiatus.
The committee is chaired by the Provost or the Provost’s designee who serves as a non-voting administrative member of the committee. The role of the committee chair is to call the meetings, set the committee agendas, ensure review of assessment plans, reports and processes, and oversee the operation of the committee to ensure adherence to university policy and accreditation standards.
The library and academic deans, provost, institutional research and effectiveness representative, and the university accreditation liaison are ex-officio, non-voting committee members.
AY2024-2025 Voting Members:
College of Aeronautics (COA)
- Dr. Deborah Carstens, Professor
- Dr. Margaret Wallace, Assistant Professor
Nathan M. Bisk College of Business (COB)
- Dr. Christian Sonnenberg, Associate Professor & Associate Dean
- Dr. Phyllis Okrepkie, Assistant Professor
College of Engineering and Science (COES)
- TBD, Department of Aerospace, Physics & Space Sciences (APSS)
- Dr. Khaled Slhoub, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS)
- Dr. Ilya Mingareev, Assistant Professor & Mechanical Engineering Program Chair, Department of Mechanical & Civil Engineering (MCE)
- Dr. Kelli Hunsucker, Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean Engineering & Marine Sciences (OEMS)
College of Psychology and Liberal Arts (COPLA)
- Dr. Catherine Nicholson, Assistant Professor, School of Behavior Analysis (SoBA)
- Dr. Lars Jones, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Communications (SAC)
Evans Library
- Dr. Wanda Perez, Assistant Librarian
General Education
- Liberal Arts: Dr. Andy Stanfield, Assistant Professor & English/ESL/Languages Program Chair, School of Arts & Communications (SAC)
- Mathematics: Dr. Stanley Snelson, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering (MSE)
- Science: Dr. Pavithra Pathirathna, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE)
AY2024-2025 Non-Voting, Ex-Officio Members:
APAC Chair
- Dr. Mark Archambault, Associate Provost for Accreditation
Ex-Officio Members
- Dr. John Z. Kiss, Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs
- Dr. Munevver Mine Subasi, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
- Dr. John Deaton, Dean, College of Aeronautics
- Dr. Theodore Richardson, Dean, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business
- Dr. John Harris, Dean, College of Engineering and Science
- Dr. Lisa Steelman, Interim Dean, College of Psychology and Liberal Arts
- Dr. Jason Martin, Dean, Evans Library
- Cheryl Mitravich, Senior Assessment Coordinator
- Charles Colley, Assistant Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Meeting Calendar
APAC meets at least monthly all calendar year. Periodical meetings may focus on general education. Members are expected to be available throughout the year to regularly attend meetings.
Meeting Schedule |
Agenda Items Due |
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 11:00 am-12:00 pm |
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 11:00 am-12:00 pm |
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 |
Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 11:00 am-12:00 pm |
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 Deadline for new programs |
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Wednesday, January 8, 2025 |
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Wednesday, February 5, 2025 |
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Wednesday, March 5, 2025 |
Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Wednesday, April 9, 2025 |
Guests & Open Meetings
The Academic Program Assessment Committee (APAC) may regularly invite faculty and other guests who are subject matter experts in the academic program being discussed to provide context and answer questions from the committee members.
APAC meetings are open to all Florida Tech faculty, administrators, and staff. Non-committee members in attendance can contribute to the discussion and provide questions, comments, and other information for the committee to consider as part of their deliberations. After the open discussion, the committee deliberates and votes. Guests may not disrupt final committee deliberation and voting.
Non-committee members are welcome to bring forward prospective items for the committee’s consideration. Those items should be submitted in advance to the chair or brought up at the end of the meeting as other business and will be considered for a future agenda.
Committee Member Attendance
The engagement of committee members is critical to the work of this committee. Regular attendance is expected. Members are also expected to have read materials in advance of the meeting and to be aware of relevant university policy.