#484 - Grief & Growth

Written by Robin N. Fatovic M.S.
Reference: Packman, W., Bussolari, C., Katz, R., Carmack, B. J., & Field, N. P. (2016). Posttraumatic growth following the loss of a pet. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 75(4), 337–359. https://doi.org/10.1177/003022281666341
“It’s just a pet, get over it.” These are unkind words some hear when grieving the loss of their pet.
Grief over your pet’s death is normal. Like other traumas, health researchers aimed to see if this grief also leads to positive growth in other areas of a person’s life. They surveyed about 300 people who lost their pets.
Results? Participants reported having more grief over their pets on average than another study found for the loss of a human. However, there is Post-traumatic Growth too! 19% of the sample reported feeling closer to loved ones in their lives after bonding over the loss of the pet, and even 17% reported having a pet increased their ability for unconditional love. 12% reported a greater appreciation for life, 7% gained a positive view on all the opportunities life provides, 8% developed a stronger connection with their spiritual beliefs, 12% also recognized their personal strengths, and 15% identified having greater coping ability.
Grieving over the loss of a pet, who often feels like a family member, is difficult. However, there is room to both grieve and grow from the pain!