#496 - Happiness & Biodiversity
Written by Vanessa Melendez, B.S.
Reference: Methorst, J., Rehdanz, K., Mueller, T., Hansjürgens, B., Bonn, A., & Böhning-Gaese, K. (2021). The importance of species diversity for human well-being in Europe. Ecological Economics, 181, 106917.
In what kind of environment will we humans best thrive? Wall street, Main Street, Suburbia, or Farm?
German researchers sought to answer this question by investigating the relationship between a region’s species diversity and human well-being by using a measure of life satisfaction and happiness. They compared a region’s species richness (i.e., having different mammals, fauna, birds, and trees), its environmental climate, and other geographical characteristics (vegetation water, recreational areas, different terrains) to self-report data from more than 26,000 citizens from 26 European countries.
Results showed that species diversity, specifically bird species richness, was most positively related to life satisfaction across Europe even more than family income.
How to increase bird diversity? Plant varied native plants and trees to replace grass. Most exotic, non-native plants require poisonous pesticides and fertilizers. But native plants need much less fertilizer and less water. Everyone! Plant varied native trees and plants that will attract wildlife, including insects which birds need to thrive. Turn your yards and community grounds into diverse green spaces. For happiness get out into nature. Take time to savor birds’ beauty in nature, hear their melodious songs, and notice their antics.