#504 - Body Image Over Lifespan
Written by Vanessa Melendez, B.S.
Reference: Hockey, A., Milojev, P., Sibley, C. G., Donovan, C. L., & Barlow, F. K. (2021). Body image across the adult lifespan: A longitudinal investigation of Developmental and cohort effects. Body Image
Magazines, advertisements, television, and social media expose us to body ideals. These standards tend to favor slim waists and muscular upper body for men, and a thin, buxom, and youthful ideal for women. What trends encompass body image over a lifetime?
Danish researchers collected longitudinal data over 6 years, 2010 to 2015, from more than fifteen thousand participants ages 18 to 94 years old. 63% were women. They asked if participants were satisfied with their body’s appearance, size, and shape. They explored how body image varies over different age groups.
Results? There was a very slight increase in body satisfaction across the lifespan for everyone. Compared to women, men consistently held higher body satisfaction levels over their lifetime. Women between 24-29 and 34-39 years demonstrated a downward trajectory in body satisfaction during the assessment period. Women aged 59 and above reported satisfaction levels rising. Perhaps as women age, society and women place less importance on women’s appearance than on healthy functioning.
Women! Do not let unrealistic ideals sway your self-perceptions! Everyone! Let’s appreciate the wonders of our bodies. Focus on exercise, health, and wellness!