#461 - Fatigue at Work

Psychology Science Minute #461
Do you feel like a zombie at work?
Psychology researchers explored the relationship between poor sleep and the amount of microbreaks taken during the workday. Microbreaks are short, unscheduled breaks at work when people grab a drink or snack, read, stretch, or talk to coworkers. In study one, 100 full-time U.S.workers took two surveys each day for 2 weeks. In study two, 220 full-time workers from SouthKorea completed a survey, and then two weeks later completed it 3 times per day for 5 days.
Results? The participants who slept poorly took more microbreaks during the day. Although, the employees who took more breaks and believed their work environment valued their health felt less fatigued at the end of the day and more engaged throughout the workday. However, people who took more social microbreaks were more engaged throughout the day, yet more fatigued. Employers, allow microbreaks to engage workers!
Workers, get enough sleep per night! Recognize how important microbreaks at work are. Don’tjust take them when you are tired! Take time throughout the day to relax and restore. Work is important but so is your function...