#407 - COVID-19 & Children

Psychology Science Minute #407
COVID-19 has resulted in many changes for children and adults alike. Children used to attend school or extracurricular activities where they could see friends and socialize. Now, children stay home. How does this affect our young students? Does it produce feelings of depression and anxiety? Chinese Psychologists researched depressive and anxiety symptoms among Chinese students in Wuhan and Huangshi cities, in Hubei province, China during COVID-19.
Over 1,700 students participated in an online survey, following a month of home confinement. The survey included questions regarding worry over COVID-19, depression, and anxiety symptoms.
Results? 23 percent of students reported experiencing depressive symptoms, and 19 percent of students indicated having anxiety symptoms. The results were higher for those students living in Wuhan, the epicenter for the Covid-19 pandemic and denser city, than Huangshi. Additionally, less outdoor activity and less social interaction were associated with greater symptoms of depression.
Caretakers! This is an unprecedented stress fultime for all of us. Check on the children! Go for a walk, call a friend...