#422 - Humor Enhances Happiness

Psychology Science Minute #422
Can you laugh at yourself? Especially in these difficult times, it might be just what the psychologist ordered!
Can we change our happiness and depression by eliciting our good humor? Swiss psychologists measured happiness and depression over 6 months for 600 online participants in 5 groups using for one week, one of five different methods eliciting humor. A placebo sixth comparison group engaged in a non-humorous task, taking all measures too.
Results? For three of the five methods, participants doing the week-long activity increased their happiness scores for 6 months, especially if they liked doing the activity.
All participants reduced depressive symptoms but only immediately after the activity. Bring more laughter into your life! Choose ONE of these effective methods to do DAILY for ONE week and you could see increased happiness for 6 months, especially if you enjoy the activity.