#555 - Dating Age Preference

Does wanting or having children impact your age preferences when dating online? United Kingdom psychologists wanted to determine if selecting younger dates (thus likely in the fertility age range) played a role for both men and women. They studied more than 600,000 participants on dating apps to explore whether individuals' desires for parenthood influenced the importance they placed on age when choosing a date and the age range preferred. Their findings revealed that men without children and men who desired children valued age more than men with children or men not desiring children. Men chose an age bracket that included younger women (nearer breeding age). Women's tastes, however, did not appear to be significantly related to having or desiring children. Women often exhibited a preference for males who were a little older than they were, perhaps desiring an experienced supporter. Our thoughts and feelings about starting a family may shape our attractions and judgments more than we are conscious of. Of course, be fair. After a few dates, do clarify with your dating partner that you do or do not want to have children so that you or your partner are not disappointed later.
Reference: Kramer, R. S. S., & Jones, A. L. (2023). Wanting or having children predicts age preferences in online dating. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 17(1), 16–30. https://doi.org/10.1037/ebs0000274
Written by Jarret Bain B.S.