#568 - Enjoy Waiting

Reference: Hatano, A., Ogulmus, C., Shigemasu, H., & Murayama, K. (2022). Thinking about thinking: People underestimate how enjoyable and engaging just waiting is. Journal of experimental psychology. General, 151(12), 3213–3229. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0001255
Do we underestimate the joy of just sitting and thinking? Psychologists conducted multiple studies in Japan and the UK where participants predicted and then experienced their task motivation during a waiting period. Researchers tested over 200 university students by asking them to sit in a quiet room and just think for varied time periods, 5-20 minutes. The results? Across both cultures, participants consistently predicted they would enjoy this 'waiting task' less than they did. Individuals miss out on the benefits of introspection because they underestimate how much they can potentially enjoy solitary reflection. They anticipate boredom or time wasted, yet they ultimately feel more contentment than they expected. Our human curiosity and social survival skills may drive us to not just sit and think, yet often, doing activities while waiting does not provide more satisfaction than thinking does. Value your thinking time. Next time you're waiting or have a moment to spare, resist pulling out your phone. Embrace the chance to reflect, daydream, observe, or ponder. It could be far more fulfilling than you expect. Take time to enjoy the quiet moments of thought that our busy lives often lack.
Written by Jarret Bain B.S.