#601 - Friend Yourself
Reference: Sheldon, K. M. ; Corcoran, M. ; & Titova, L. (2021). Supporting one’s own autonomy may be more important than feeling supported by others. Motivation Science, 7 (2), 176 – 186. https://doi.org/10.1037/mot0000215
Did you know most human beings have a universal need to make their own decis ions without someone else’s influence? Researchers studied whether individuals who supported their own sense of autonomy, or independence, through self - talk were successful. Participants represented nearly 1,200 introductory college students who were sur veyed on subjective well - being, meaning of life, self - support, and support from authorities. Results? In the first study, people who rated themselves as self - supportive felt better than those who felt supported by their leaders. In the second study, people who supported themselves at the start felt happier after completing a strenuous hike, and du ring six weeks of a college semester. This effect is stronger than, and surpasses the benefits of , feeling supported or controlled by others. In the third study, when people received encouragement to support themselves in a challenging class, they expected to enjoy it more and feel less stressed. Overall, these results suggest that to be successful, being kind to your self and encouraging yourself to hold to your own standards is more beneficial than being an overly strict taskmaster or depending upon other’s support . Let’s not be too hard on ourselves! Let’s make a difference by focusing on self - compassion and positive self - talk.
Written by Kristin M . Harris, Ph.D.