#171 - Domestic Violence

References: Ouellet‐Morin, I., Fisher, H. L., York‐Smith, M., Fincham‐Campbell, S., Moffitt, T. E., & Arseneault, L. (2015). INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE AND NEW‐ONSET DEPRESSION: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF WOMEN’S CHILDHOOD AND ADULT HISTORIES OF ABUSE. Depression and anxiety, 32(5), 316-324.
Domestic violence means violent and aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. In addition, children are often traumatized and abused too. Psychologists at the University of Montreal assessed the impact of domestic violence on the risk for developing depression. Participants consisted of over 1,000 mothers who did not have a previous history of mental illness. During the course of ten years, the researchers conducted several interviews with the participants to determine whether they had experienced violence from their spouses, and any mental health disorders. In addition, they evaluated the role of certain factors from the participant’s personal history such as childhood abuse and economic poverty. The results revealed over 1/3 of participants reported experiencing violence from their spouses. These women also reported a larger history of childhood abuse, drug use, economic poverty, and early pregnancies. Even when controlling for the impact of childhood abuse, the women who reported domestic violence were two times more likely to suffer from depression. Domestic violence is always unacceptable. It not only results in physical damage, but also causes psychological scars. . Seek help if family members physically or verbally harm.
Written by Mara Rowcliffe, BS.