#226 - Facebook Jealousy

References: Marshall, T. C., Bejanyan, K., Di Castro, G., & Lee, R. A. (2013). Attachment styles as predictors of Facebook‐related jealousy and surveillance in romantic relationships. Personal Relationships, 20(1), 1-22.
Can social networking impact romantic relationships? Psychology researchers evaluated how a social networking website may influence romantic relationships. They studied 250 participants who reported being daily users of Facebook and involved in a romantic relationship with a partner who also used a Facebook account. A questionnaire measured the participant’s attachment style, self-esteem, relationship quality, and Facebook jealously. In a week’s daily diary people reported when they reviewed their partner’s Facebook account. Results indicated that Facebook jealousy occurred more often in women, people whose relationship status indicated lower commitment such as exclusively dating versus cohabitating, and those with lower levels of self-esteem. Those with an anxious attachment style were more likely to experience jealousy; less likely to trust their partners. Among factors analyzed, lack of trust was the only relationship quality that predicted Facebook jealousy. Those with lower commitment and anxious attachment engaged in greater surveillance of their partner’s Facebook. More anxious individuals may experience greater Facebook jealousy because they trust their partners less. Are you a worrier? Social networking may influence jealousy in your relationship. Work on a healthy relationship in real time!
Written by Mara Rowcliffe, MS.