#286 - Intimate Partner Violence & Mental Health

References: Delara, M. (2016). Mental Health Consequences and Risk Factors of Physical Intimate Partner Violence. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 12, 119-125.
Physical intimate partner violence is pandemic, experienced by women in all societies and social classes having detrimental effects on women’s mental and physical health. A Canadian psychologist examined 54 peer reviewed studies in English on the impact of partner violence on women’s mental health. Female victims of physical partner violence have an eight times greater risk of developing depression. Anxiety disorders were two to eight percent more likely, depending on the severity of abuse. In one study, 52% of female victims developed PTSD. Victims feel greater loss of control in their relationship, are at risk of substance abuse, and have increased suicidal thoughts. Lastly, factors that put women at greater risk of experiencing partner violence were identified such as prior mental health problems, history of childhood abuse, employment instability, and lower income. Intimate partner violence is never acceptable. It always causes damage physically and this research shows it also has psychological effects, impacting mental health. Prohibit physical hitting, kicking, and causing pain. Seek treatment and support as well as skill training to settle conflicts nonviolently. The mental health and wellbeing of the victim and the partner depend on it.
Written by Bethany Wellman, M.S.