#623 - LinkedIn Job Search & Burnout

Reference: Johnson, M. A., & Leo, C. (2020). The inefficacy of LinkedIn? A latent change model and experimental test of using LinkedIn for job search. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11), 1262–1280. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000491
LinkedIn has become a dominant platform in job searching, often replacing traditional methods. But is it truly effective in helping users land jobs? To understand LinkedIn’s impact, Management researchers looked at both positive and negative effects of job searching using LinkedIn They conducted three studies, where each week, researchers measured 1,900 participants’ LinkedIn use, job search confidence and self-assurance, decreased self-confidence, and job search success using a 1-week reference frame. Results? When people increase their LinkedIn use for job searching, they experienced decreased self-confidence, and a negative impact on their job search success. Surprisingly, the more job search activity on LinkedIn, the lower the job search self-confidence. Comparing oneself repeatedly to others on LinkedIn must contribute to this lower self-confidence. Is LinkedIn really the key to landing your next job? These findings reveal a surprising twist: the more people dive into LinkedIn for job searching, the more their confidence fades, their energy drains, and their success declines. Job seekers, mix it up! To keep motivation high and avoid burnout, use multiple job searching approaches!
Written by Kristin M. Harris, Ph.D.