#350 - Mental Health & Education

We humans have feelings of sadness, anxiety, stress, and depression. With tough life experiences these may turn into more severe mental health conditions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed rapidly increasing rates of death from drug overdoses and suicide. Not accepting individuals nor treating them with respect causes further harm to them. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) presentation called Ending the Silence promotes mental health education for younger people. Researchers evaluated its effectiveness in improving the understanding of mental health. Participants from 10 high schools in 5 states either participated or did not participate in the NAMI presentation. Prior to, immediately after, and four to six weeks after the presentation. students completed a questionnaire about their knowledge of mental health conditions, attitudes and social distance preferences, and help seeking. Results indicated that students who viewed the NAMI presentation had a positive change in their responses on the questionnaire immediately after and during the follow up compared with those that did not. Let’s educate, increase understanding, reduce stigma, and encourage everyone to consult a specialist for mental health conditions, just as we consult professionals when we have health issues or car problems.
Shannon Cantalupo, B.S.
Written by Shannon Cantalupo, B.S.