#376 - Facebook Negativity & Depression

Reference: Rosenthal, S. R., Buka, S. L., Marshall, B. D. L., Carey, K. B., & Clark, M. A. (2016). Negative experiences on facebook and depressive symptoms among young adults. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59, 510 – 516.
Have you ever had negative comments on your social media posts? Or seen hurtful comments? How do negative social media impact our emotions? Brown University and University of Massachusetts Medical School researchers assessed if negative Facebook experiences influence depressive symptoms among 264 young adult participants. Participants had to be Facebook users. Each was assessed for depressive symptoms. They indicated how often they encounter negative experiences (specifically, bulling or meanness, unwanted contact or misunderstanding). The participant had to indicate the number of lifetime experiences, the severity of their experiences, and how upset they were from: their lifetime experience, past-year experience, and most recent experience. Results? There was a positive relationship between depressive symptoms and severity of negative Facebook experiences, across all categories. The majority reported negative experiences, both in the past-year and in their lifetime. The most common lifetime negative Facebook experience was unwanted contact and misunderstanding. The most upsetting was a recent experience of bullying and meanness. Think before you post on Facebook! Be careful what you say, even if you’re joking. Posting hurtful messages regardless of intention can cause others harm. If you feel depressed, limit your facebook time.
Written by Shannon Cantalupo, B.S.