#526 - Speed of Engagement
Reference: Vogel, Ryan M., Rodell, Jessica B., and Agolli, Anastasiia. (2022). Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, No. 9, 1579–1599. ISSN: 0021-9010 https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000958 Reference: Supplemental material for daily engagement and productivity: The importance of the speed of engagement. (2021). Journal of Applied Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000958.supp
Only some people get down to work quickly. For those that do, are there benefits? Researchers describe a high speed of engagement as the ability to focus attention on work with enthusiasm quickly. A low speed of engagement includes internal or external distractions for employees who do not “jump into” their work. Researchers surveyed workers for 10 consecutive workdays asking if they were quickly engaged when beginning work. Controlling mood and stress, researchers measured detachment from home and non-work concerns, level of engagement, progress towards daily work goals, and morning work reattachment, confirming statements like, “I have been giving some thought to the upcoming workday.” A second study measured goal progress and engagement using interventions to detach by asking participants to list three intended family or other task goals to better postpone their focus until after work. Results? People who quickly engaged with their work were more productive. When participants engaged in non-work or home detachment interventions, they reported greater speed of engagement and daily goal progress. Psychologically prepare for your workday, detach from home and other concerns, , then dive in! Make larger strides toward your goals!
Written by Vanessa Melendez, B.S.