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#631 - Podcasts: Why Listen?

Reference: Tobin, S. J. & Guadagno, R. E. (2022). Thy people listen: Motivations and outcomes of podcast listening. PLoS ONE, 17(4), 1-16.
Why do some people love listening to podcasts while others avoid them? Psychologists wanted to know what personality traits predict podcast listening. They surveyed 300 adults from North America, Europe, and Australia. Scientists measured various personality traits, podcast habits, psychological well-being, and digital behavior. Results? Certain personality traits influence podcast listening. Those who scored high in openness, curiosity, and need for acquiring knowledge and understanding were more likely to listen to podcasts. But those with a strong need to belong or higher levels of neuroticism (that is, obsessiveness and anxiety) were less likely to listen. Researchers also found the amount of time spent listening did NOT impact psychological traits like autonomy, competence, relatedness, meaning, mindfulness, or smartphone addiction. However, social aspects of podcast listening, even forming one-sided, unreciprocated sense of intimate relationships with the podcaster, were related to positive psychological outcomes. Thus, people listen to podcasts to learn. The social connections you form while listening will likely lead to positive outcomes. What’s your favorite podcast? Why do you keep listening? It’s not just about the content—it’s about how podcasts connect us socially and enrich our well-being!

Written by Kristin M. Harris, Ph.D.

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