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#538 - ADHD & School

Reference: Martin, A. J. (2014). The role of ADHD in academic adversity: Disentangling ADHD effects from other personal and contextual factors. School Psychology, 29(4), 395-408.
Do you know someone who has Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) and struggles with school? How much does ADHD contribute to academic difficulties?   An Australian researcher studied 130 students with ADHD (almost half on medications) and 3,700 non-ADHD peers from 9 high schools exploring how ADHD contributes to academic adversity while controlling for other factors like learning disability, motivation, race, gender, school size, and class.   The study found that ADHD was significantly related to academic adversity. However, also contributing were learning disability, prior school failure, and agreeableness. Family background, student motivation, and teacher-student relationships also impacted. While ADHD likely contributes to academic difficulties, also consider what else can be impacting academic success. Give family support, insist on and praise work completion, thus increasing student motivation which can help mitigate academic adversity.   Parents! If your child has ADHD and is struggling in school, investigate additional factors that could impact their academic success. Praise what your child does well, even small steps. Teachers and healthcare professionals in addition to ADHD be sure to check out learning disabilities. Provide tutoring, fun reading games, and basic instruction. Be patient.

Written by Jarret Bain B.S.