Summer Workshops for STEM Educators

Summer Workshops: Looking Ahead to 2025

The FutureCraft and FutureCosmos summer programs for high school STEM teachers outlined below have been canceled for 2024 but will be offered in summer 2025. Interested teachers are invited to express interest via the application form.

Summer STEM Workshops for Florida High School Teachers

FutureCraft Educators Workshop: Empowering Teachers with Technology and Innovation

Welcome to the FutureCraft Educators Workshop, a transformative five-day journey designed for forward-thinking teachers who are passionate about integrating technology and hands-on learning into their classrooms. This immersive summer program is tailored to empower educators with the skills, knowledge and confidence to bring advanced manufacturing, coding, robotics and the ethical use of AI into their teaching practices.


  • Program Dates: TBD 2025 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
  • Program Cost: TBD

Key Features

  • A male student looking closely at a 3D printer.Innovative Learning: Dive into the world of coding and robotics, where you’ll learn not just the basics of programming but also how to engage students in interactive and problem-solving activities.
  • Advanced Manufacturing: Experience and learn about 3D-printing technology. From conceptualizing designs to actual printing, discover how to incorporate these skills into your curriculum to enhance creativity and technical understanding among students.
  • Electronics Made Easy: Demystify the world of electronics and microcontrollers. Engage in practical sessions, where you'll create and integrate circuits, bringing a new dimension to classroom projects.
  • Ethical AI Understanding: Learn about the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. Learn ways to responsibly introduce AI concepts and its use ethically to students.
  • Curriculum Integration: Explore how to weave these new technologies and topics into your existing curriculum. Our collaborative sessions will focus on practical strategies for curriculum development, ensuring you can integrate these technologies into your teaching even if you may be missing some of the equipment.
  • Community and Collaboration: Join a community of like-minded educators. Share experiences, ideas and best practices, and build a network of professionals passionate about modern education.

Who Should Attend

This workshop is ideal for secondary science teachers, educational technology enthusiasts and educators looking to incorporate more hands-on, project-based learning into their classrooms. Whether you're a novice in tech or an experienced educator, this camp offers valuable insights and skills to enhance your teaching toolkit.


By the end of the FutureCraft Educators Workshop, you will not only have a deeper understanding of coding, robotics, 3D printing and AI but also practical experience and a plan to integrate these technologies into your classroom. You'll leave with a certificate of completion, a wealth of resources and a network of peers and experts to support your ongoing journey in tech-enhanced education.

This workshop is powered by CAMIDVisit the CAMID website.

Empowering Teachers with Astronomy

FutureCosmos Educators Workshop:
Empowering Teachers with Astronomy

Welcome to the FutureCosmos Educators Workshop, an enlightening five-day voyage crafted for visionary teachers enthusiastic about integrating astronomy and hands-on learning into their classrooms. This immersive camp is tailored to empower educators with the skills, knowledge and confidence to infuse space science, astrophotography, data analysis and interpretation into their teaching practices.


  • Program Dates: TBD 2025 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
  • Program Cost: TBD

Key Features

  • The Ortega research telescope at Florida TechCosmic Learning: Embark on a celestial journey into astronomy and astrophysics. Utilize innovative tools, such as Stellarium, SIMBAD and more, to explore the cosmos. Discover engaging ways to captivate students with interactive stargazing sessions, problem-solving activities and the exploration of archived/public observation data that can be downloaded and processed by anyone.
  • Astrophotography Adventure: Immerse yourself in the art and science of astrophotography.
    From capturing breathtaking images of celestial objects to processing and analyzing astronomical
    data, unlock the mysteries of the universe through the lens of a telescope.
  • Data Analysis in Space Science: Decode the language of the cosmos through data analysis
    techniques. Engage in hands-on sessions, where you'll interpret astronomical datasets, fostering a
    deeper understanding of cosmic phenomena. Explore the wealth of archived data available for
    educational purposes, allowing students to conduct their own analyses and contribute to scientific
  • Curriculum Fusion: Seamlessly integrate astronomy and space science topics into your existing
    curriculum. Collaborative sessions will focus on practical strategies for curriculum development,
    ensuring you can incorporate cosmic concepts into your teaching regardless of available resources.
  • Community and Collaboration: Join a community of like-minded educators passionate about
    astronomy, space science and cosmic education. Share experiences, exchange ideas and build a
    network of professionals committed to modernizing space science education. Explore the world of
    Astrobites, and learn how to utilize these concise astrophysical summaries as valuable teaching

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is ideal for secondary science teachers, astronomy enthusiasts and educators seeking to
enrich their classrooms with hands-on, inquiry-based learning experiences centered around space science.
Whether you're a novice stargazer or an experienced educator, this workshop offers invaluable insights and
skills to elevate your teaching repertoire.


By the culmination of the FutureCosmos Educators Workshop, you will possess a deeper understanding of astronomy, astrophotography, data analysis, collaboration and practical experience and a roadmap to seamlessly integrate these cosmic concepts into your classroom. Depart with a certificate of completion, a treasure trove of resources and a constellation of peers and experts to illuminate your ongoing journey in astronomy-infused education.

Ortega Observatory has organized this workshop: Visit the Ortega Observatory website. 

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