Building in Oxford

Oxford 2024

The schedule is subject to change.  Planned events/trips do NOT conflict with classes. The full itinerary will be emailed to students directly.

Breakfast in the Hall 8–9a.m. June 30–July 11.

Meals in Hall TBA

Saturday, June 29:

  • Arrive in Oxford
  • Check into Jesus College
  • Turl Street
  • Casual dinner at Jesus College @ 6 p.m. (included)

Saturday, June 30:

  • Breakfast
  • Orientation

Saturday, July 6:

  • Blenheim Palace & Cotswolds
  • 9 a.m. Depart Oxford from Broad St. (Tappins/Heyfordian)
  • approx 9:45 a.m. Palace- tour, gardens, pleasure garden
  • 4-6 p.m. Cotswold Wildlife Park
  • 7:30 p.m. Arrive Oxford

Sunday, July 7:

  • Free Day

Monday, July 8:

  • 8:30 a.m.
    • Depart Jesus College entrance on Turl St. for short walk to coach (Tappins/Heyfordian Coaches).
    • Coach departs between 8:45am
  • 10.30 a.m. 
    • Arrive Bath
      • 10:30a.m- 1p.m
    • Group walking tour, lunch on your own, town exploration
    • Bath Thermae Spa or free time in Bath
    • Ancient Roman Baths Museum
  • 8 p.m.
    • Depart Bath (coach parked at Bath Abbey)
  • 9:30 p.m.
    • Arrive Oxford. Bring bathing suit if you wish to visit the Bath Thermae Spa ( towel, robe, slippers, locker provided)

Weekend of July 12

  • Free weekend (Ireland optional trip most likely)

Thursday, August 8:

  • Final Dinner at Exeter College
    • Please dress up

Friday, August 9:

  • Free Day
  • Packing Day
  • You may depart on this day, but not before.

Saturday, August 10:

  • Final morning of College housing.
    • Depart by 10 a.m.

General Class Schedule  (class times will be announced in June)

  • July 1-5
  • July 9-11
  • July 17-19
  • July 23-26
  • July 30-Aug 2
  • Aug 5-8

July 1, 2, 4, 5= Class days

July 3: London day trip 

ATTENDANCE: Classes are mandatory and only 1 unexcused absence per class is permitted before your grade drops. Excused absences are only those with a doctor’s note and proof of a doctor’s visit. Plan your personal travels accordingly.


June 29 - July 11

  • You will live at Jesus College, Turl Street, Oxford OX13DW

July 11 - August 10 

  • Stevens Close, 121 Woodstock Rd (Jesus College Annex) at the corner of Woodstock and Farndon roads

 Approximately 8- students will live at Exeter College, Turl St, Oxford for the duration of the program.

Mail should always be sent to everyone at:

Jesus College
Florida Tech Group
Turl Street
Oxford, England
United Kingdom

Phone for Jesus College Porter’s Lodge:

From US – 011-44-1865-279700
From UK – 01865-279700
Heather Wautlet’s UK mobile # – TBA June 29
From the UK on a UK phone – TBA June 29

Prior to June 29:

Heather Wautlet’s US mobile #/WhatsApp: +1-321-693-5256

The above schedule is subject to change.

Check email at least twice daily for updates while in Oxford.

Check email daily during summer break prior to departure.  Create an Oxford email file so you can find details quickly.


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